Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
People who work (worked) at CA Dept. of Corrections have their own blog

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Blogger in Egypt sentenced to 4-years in prison; at DLSE (in the USA), they only want to fire the blogger & deprive the blogger of earning a living

Monday, March 26, 2007
Will DLSE Asst. Chief Greg Rupp abandon minimum wage investigations if no one complains?

Sunday, March 25, 2007
The difference between a BLOG and a WEBSITE

I'm known as a Blogger, not as a Webmaster.
What I do is called Blogging, not Webcasting.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
DIR Staff Attorney Little Dickie Richard Munoz

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Acting Labor Commissioner Robert Jones boasts of $2M lawsuit against Wal-Mart, but doesn't boast about the almost $100M Wal-Mart saved by...
Jones wants confirmation? What kind of deal will Bradshaw make with the Senate?

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Soldiers wounded receive sub-standard care while White House terminates unfriendly US Attorneys

Saturday, March 10, 2007
How did this happen, and who is accountable for DLSE Assistant Chief Greg Rupp's actions?
Labor Code Section 132(a): It is the declared policy of this state that there should not be discrimination against workers who are injured in the course and scope of their employment. (1) Any employer who discharges, or threatens to discharge, or in any manner discriminates against any employee because he or she has filed or made known his or her intention to file a claim for compensation with his or her employer or an application for adjudication, or because the employee has received a rating, award,or settlement, is guilty of a misdemeanor and the employee's compensation shall be increased by one-half, but in no event more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), together with costs and expenses not in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). Any such employee shall also be entitled to reinstatement and reimbursement for lost wages and work benefits caused by the acts of the employer....The appeals board may refer and any worker may complain of suspected violations of the criminal misdemeanor provisions of this section to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, or directly to the office of the public prosecutor. Why did the DLSE squander taxpayer dollars by fighting Rowene's workers compensation insurance claim? Why did Greg Rupp immediately transfer Rowene from Santa Ana to Los Angeles and banish her to answering phones all day? Why is he violating the very same laws that he is charged with enforcing? Why is this sworn, California, gun-toting peace officer-whose very actions are held to a higher standard than those who do not carry guns-not under investigation himself? Why is it that Labor Standards has no Labor Standards? Assistant Chief Greg Rupp, by virute of him being a sworn California peace officer, must be held to the highest of standards and conduct.
Is it true that a former employee filed a Workers Comp-retaliation claim against Greg Rupp?
Anonymous posted, "Just to clarify a situation that occurred a few years ago. Rowene was promoted from a Office Tech to a MST position in the Santa Ana Office. After being promoted, she had a nasty fall in the office which was observed by several employees. Due to her injury, she filed a worker's comp. claim. This was challenged by Greg Rupp, who eventually lost the action and Rowene received her monies from her W.C. claim. This totally pissed off Greg Rupp who decided the only nice thing to do would be to transfer Rowene from her job in the Santa Ana Office to answering telephones in downtown LA. The only problem with this transfer was that Rowene was not planning on going along with his plan. The day she was to report to LA she failed to show up as well as resigning that same day from the state. The second problem was that Rupp did not know that Rowene was married to a W.C. attorney. Of course her husband immediately filed a retaliation complaint against the division and settled for a good sum of money. Rowene laughed all the way to the bank and Greg suddenly came down with a twitch. Like they say, what goes around comes around. Greg definitely needs to put out to pasture. Just make sure they take his gun away so he doesn't shoot any other cows." It seems to me that this is something that Greg Rupp could readily recall, and hopefully soon. Is it true that Greg Rupp took the kind of action that provoked a worker's comp retaliation lawsuit? Hopefully Greg Rupp will not twitch, convulse, and lie when asked under oath; it would be unfortunate for him to demonstrate otherwise. Let's start refreshing his memory now:
Q1. How many people have sued you for workers comp. retaliation?
Q2. How many women did you know named Rowene?
Q3. How many Rowenes did you try to transfer from Santa Ana to Los Angeles?
Q4. Do you remember the result of Rowene's lawsuit?
Q5. Did this whole event (getting beat by a woman) emasculate you, as a moustached, gun-toting cop? Think about much taxpayer dollars were spent dealing with losing Rowene's workers compensation case, then losing/settling Rowene's workers compensation retaliation case? You think this came out of Greg Rupp's pocket? Hell no...this came out of the taxpayer's pocket, and maybe the taxpayers have a right to know how much Greg Rupp cost them. You think the DLSE disciplined Greg Rupp for such a costly mistake/decision?
Friday, March 09, 2007
Sworn to uphold the law, a California peace officer like Greg Rupp can do whatever he feels like doing...who's there to investigate his actions?

What a coincidence that the last four people to make Greg Rupp's sh*t list also got sent to answer phones in Los Angeles: 1. Rowene (she didn't last long...not even a day: she sued & settled)
2. Jose Hernandez (retired)
3. Naomi Rodriguez (left, went to another agency)
4. Christopher Lotts (now works in Santa Ana)
What a coincidence that all four people (at the time) worked under Greg Rupp. What a coincidence that all four people were not liked by Greg Rupp. What a coincidence that Greg Rupp uses phone duty as a way to motivate employees to leave/resign. None of those employees asked for phone duty; all of them placed there by Greg Rupp. What else has Greg Rupp done that we do not know? Are there other unknown abuses of authority? Is information out there, waiting to be disclosed?
What happens when people do the right thing...
1984. Bob Geldof, music journalist turned punk rock frontman, was inspired by a news report about Africa's famine epidemic and began his fight against world hunger. Geldof organized the world's first global charity concert: LIVE AID. Performances by 100 artists around the world were viewed by 1.8 billion people. Live Aid raised $150 million british pounds in one day.1976. Betty Williams, a receptionist and mother of two, witnessed three children killed during the political turmoil in Northern Ireland. Within two days of the tragic event, Williams obtained 6,000 signatures petitioning for peace. She then led 10,000 people on a peace march to the children's graves. The peaceful march was disrupted by protesters. One week later, Williams organized another march. This time the march was 35,000 strong. Betty Williams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976.1961. Two students in Portugal raised their glasses in a toast to freedom. They were imprisoned for seven years. British lawyer Peter Benenson was shocked by the events. To rally support for the students, he wrote a letter to his local paper. The response was so overwhelming that a committee was formed to organize the campaign. It quickly grew into a world-wide movement known today as Amnesty International.1920s. A boy from a small African village dreamt of a day when equality would prevail over his country. After years of activism, he was charged with "political treason" and sentenced to life in prison. His dream of equality never died. In 1990, after 27 years in prison, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was finally released. Mandela then led South Africa to its first ever democratic presidential election. Nearly 19 million people voted. Nelson Mandela won the election, ending the racist apartheid regime that divided South Africa for 46 years."Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"-Margaret Mead
DLSE leadership and its cause & effect upon public service: it's not efficient, it's not resourceful, it's not funny & worst of all-it's not changing

Rigged promotional exam scores
Livadas v. Bradshaw tried to stick it to the worker
Unwarranted investigations
No investigation of protected employees
No standard operating procedures
Policies obsolete and/or non-existant
Labor Commissioner using DIR Staff Attorneys for blog
Multi-million dollar CMS contractor/software wasteAll of this adds up to public service that could be better but isn't. The best managers are not selected, only the ones that give the power structure no problems (i.e., no change). Then, those decision makers in power act in a manner that cost the taxpayers millions of wasted/inefficient dollars.Eventually, management's excuses grow old, the employees are only motivated just enough to not get fired, and the public suffers & bears the brunt of this end result. The end result is always the public impact: how long does it take for a wage claim to be heard (beginning to end), how long does it take an entertainment work permit to be processed, how long does a member of the public wait for their phone call to be answered, and how long does a member of the public wait at the front counter in order to be heard?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
A brief history of DLSE Asst. Chief Greg Rupp and his seemingly lifelong ability to hold grudges...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Performance Appraisal Summary for DLSE Management...since they're in the mood to evaluate others...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The DLSE refuse to install the very minimum of protection for their staff in Santa Ana...a $5 safety catch for the swinging door?

Monday, March 05, 2007
CMS = multi-million dollar taxpayer paid waste/fraud/abuse? (click link to read comment)
On February 10, 2007 at 12:34PM, anonymous commented:
"As a computer analyst, I could see major problems before singing of the multi million dollars contract to use Hanson COTS for DLSE CMS project. Any technical staff would have known that COTS are designed to automate simple and routine works and are not suitable for complex and unique DLSE diverse tasks. For CMS to be successful, it required extensive if not impossible modifications to the Hanson COTS core structure. The DIR IS Unit under direction of Jim Culbeaux and Leslie Clement were instrumental in pushing for this COTS Hanson and therefore the consequent CMS failure and wasteful taxpayer expenditure on this project.The DIR and IS Unit are at it again pushing another COTS program for the DWC Division System. At this point, this project is projected to cost over $44 million dollars!! I hope there will be real oversight on awarding and implementing this project. Another failure with the DWC COTS project will make the DLSE CMS fiasco like a small potato.Ps. See more technical issues with the CMS product and will post them accordingly."BLOGGER'S NOTE: the taxpayers are not 'shills' or 'marks' to be used in some horrific ponzi scheme; they deserve better than this.
"As a computer analyst, I could see major problems before singing of the multi million dollars contract to use Hanson COTS for DLSE CMS project. Any technical staff would have known that COTS are designed to automate simple and routine works and are not suitable for complex and unique DLSE diverse tasks. For CMS to be successful, it required extensive if not impossible modifications to the Hanson COTS core structure. The DIR IS Unit under direction of Jim Culbeaux and Leslie Clement were instrumental in pushing for this COTS Hanson and therefore the consequent CMS failure and wasteful taxpayer expenditure on this project.The DIR and IS Unit are at it again pushing another COTS program for the DWC Division System. At this point, this project is projected to cost over $44 million dollars!! I hope there will be real oversight on awarding and implementing this project. Another failure with the DWC COTS project will make the DLSE CMS fiasco like a small potato.Ps. See more technical issues with the CMS product and will post them accordingly."BLOGGER'S NOTE: the taxpayers are not 'shills' or 'marks' to be used in some horrific ponzi scheme; they deserve better than this.
Who set up Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz to take the fall on June 4th? Was it Greg Rupp, Anthony Mischel, or Robert Jones?

Here's my theory: Greg Rupp's still licking his wounds from being passed over for promotion because they gave it to Lupe Almaraz. Robert Jones needs advice, so he turns to Anthony Mischel. Rupp does his bit on Almaraz while Mischel works on Jones. By the time Jones and Almaraz compare notes, the both of them are corroborating the same info spun by the experienced DLSE spin doctors. They have Jones & Almaraz believing that the blogger must be eliminated---at all costs! By the time the blogger's appeals are heard, Rupp & Mischel are retired & damage control remains for the lawyers who now must defend the DLSE's actions. Rupp & Mischel make the mess, and someone else cleans it up. Hopefully Jones and Almaraz were smart enough not to have been played like that.
Lupe Almaraz signs the memo that caused the current lawsuit naming him as the Defendant, but who really wrote the memo? Greg Rupp likes to imagine himself as someone important. To be considered "important," one must do more than take naps and stare blankly at a computer screen.
1. Why are Acting Commissioner Jones and Deputy Chief Almaraz using their investigative powers against an off-duty blog and not CMS?

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Piece of crap employers eventually have their stories told...

2 Silkwood ( The story of Karen Silkwood, a metallurgy worker at a plutonium processing plant who was purposefully contaminated, psychologically tortured and possibly murdered to prevent her from exposing blatant worker safety violations at the plant. On November 13, 1974, Karen Silkwood, an employee of a nuclear facility, left to meet with a reporter from the New York Times. She never got there.
3. Damaged Care ( Dr. Linda Peeno worked as a medical reviewer for Humana Inc and medical director at Blue Cross/Blue Shields Health Plans. Her job was to make life-or-death decisions about which patients would be approved or denied the care they needed. She quickly saw that her most critical job was to deny patients the care they required. The more denials, the bigger the profits her employer reaped. Dr. Linda Peeno is a physician and lecturer in Louisville Kentucky, and a renowned critic of the way US health maintenance organizations boost profits by depriving patients of care. She has provided evidence for American patients suing HMOs and testified to the US congress.
Assistant Chief Greg Rupp, Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz, Acting Labor Commissioner Robert Jones (no Senate confirmation needed), Acting Director John Rea (no Senate confirmation needed), and Agency Secretary Victoria Bradshaw have secrets: some known and quite possibly-unknown.
Howard Hernandez was Jose Millan's boy back in the day. Once Howard was arrested, Jose had to go bye-bye and Marcy Saunders became the Labor Commissioner. Vicky Bradshaw was in charge back then, and she survived Howard's corruption case. But Howard's not alone. Jose Millan's other favorite homie was David Dorame, and Jose is Godfather to David's kid! Greg Rupp had a few choice words about David Dorame's background investigation concerning his becoming a peace officer within DLSE, but since Dorame had suction with Jose MiIllan, there was nothing Rupp could do but watch Dorame holster a's not like Rupp was going to snitch off Jose Millan...Rupp had a career to look after since he left ABC (the state's Alcohol Beverage Control).
When the current Governator recycled Pete Wilson's flunkies, he brought back Victoria Bradshaw, and she brought back Jose Millan. Well, no one had enough time to fart until the administration was in trouble again. Greg Rupp files emergency legislation requests with the meal & rest periods, and Jose's making bad videos. Soon enough, Vicky survives "Lunchgate" but Jose Millan had to go away (again!). He's now taking up space elsewhere and continues to feed from the public trough at $100,000+ a year. This is the same administration that is trying to justify the multi-million dollar CMS expenditure. From what I hear, Hansen wanted to return $1,000,000 just to rid themselves of the DLSE. It's a total nightmare. If the state's going to suspend someone 30 days for stealing a roll of paper towels, should they (at least) sh*tcan and terminate ALL of the collective desk-monkeys that had their fingerprints on the CMS fiscal appropriations? Where is the transparent accountability from this taxpayer-funded agency?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
The DLSE's at it again...protecting their favorites and witch-hunting their unfavorites

Friday, March 02, 2007
DLSE supervisors chill for a few days in Irvine for supervisors meeting at the Atrium while there's no money for important they say

So what was management's response to 2 DLSE women alone with a guy who wouldn't leave the office?

On Monday, two women were closing up the DLSE office in Santa Ana at 5pm. A guy is there and not leaving. He finally leaves, after one of them pretends to talk to security on the phone.
How did management respond? By Thursday (yesterday), they had the supervisor ask the employees their weekly work schedules...the bosses only wanted to know who should have been there working after 5pm! That's right! It looks like they only wanted to jam up those employees who should have been working beyond 5pm; the order came from upstairs. Either Abigael Calva ( DLSE Regional Manager of Santa Ana WCA) or Headquarters in San Francisco ordered the supervisor to ask around. It would have taken less time to say, "women in DLSE, potentially assualted because of no safety barrier because no one important works there? So what, we need to know who left work early!" Labor Standards at DLSE; welcome to the suck, and you might want to know some karate...just in case there's no safety barrier.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Greg Rupp hangs for thirty minutes with Jorge Gomez at Santa Ana office. Why, since Greg is not part of Jorge's chain of command?

This is how smart DLSE lawyer Richard Munoz is (or isn't?)

Despite the emails to upper management, despite their knowledge of staff concerns, upper management ignores the staff of the Santa Ana DLSE office

How soon will Robert Jones, Lupe Almaraz, Greg Rupp, John Rea, and Vickie Bradshaw start wearing this t-shirt?