1. Why are Acting Commissioner Jones and Deputy Chief Almaraz using their investigative powers against an off-duty blog and not CMS?

An unofficial blog highlighting inefficient, incompetent service that taxpayers receive as a result of DLSE mismanagement. The opinions here are mine and should not be read by anyone. DIR lawyers Christopher Frick, Angela Bradstreet, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Steve McGinty and Richard Munoz spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dedicated to taking a crap on the 1st Amendment instead of doing DIR-related work for the taxpayers.
Throughout the state, everyone knows by now that the renegade hearing officer in the Santa Ana District Office is Vicki Tamoush. She has been delaying spanish speaking claims for years in order for her school teacher freind to have (30) days of translating during her Winter and Summer recess. That's big money at $45/hr. Tamoush has also been called on the carpet for abusing her powers during her hearings. Numerous attorney's in Orange County requests other hearing officers when they see her name on the NOH. Where is the civil rights unit when (2) white women are screwing the hell out of the poor hispanics for monetary gains? Where the hell is headquarters when numerous complaints (verified by hearing tapes) are filed against a hearing officer for abuse of power? Now this hearing officer has been transferred to the Van Nuys Office on a part time basis and is demanding lap top computers, special working hours etc., special equipment and this is for two weeks out of every month. I say let's transfer her pemanently and save the state some money. We could use that money for a security barrier in the Santa Ana Office. Oops, I forgot, there is no money in the budget for a security barrier.
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