DLSE Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz sent Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet his resignation letter; he's set to go away on 12/31/2007. At the end of the day, he did nothing for this department except spike his retirement paycheck...once again, screwing over the taxpayers! After Lupe's gone, ain't nobody named to be in charge of Wage Claims. It would be nice to see Nance Steffen come back as the Wage Claim Assistant Chief, but she's only going to get the blessing of staff by removing Regional Manager Abigael Calva's taxpayer-paid commute vehicle from Calva's possession.
The taxpayers don't need to pay for Calva's commute.
CASE IN POINT: her lazy ass, having a state vehicle assigned to her, made Deputy Labor Commissioner Bruce Broadwater drive from Santa Ana to Los Angeles to discuss an item of importance. He had to use his car & his mileage even though the state gives her a vehicle of her own. Normally, if state auditors would ask WTF(?) she does with her car, she'd tell them that as Regional Manager, she's responsible for all these offices in So Cal...total bullsh*t. Her lazy ass goes nowhere and makes her staff come to her. Typical, lazy, bureaucratic, cow.
The recent Deputy Labor Commissioner III (DLC 3) exam came down to So Cal. Here's my prediction: they will pass & pick whoever they want to pass & pick because these assholes do not know how to keep themselves in check. Ferchrist, the State Personnel Board provides no oversight, and even when the California Supreme Court provides their oversight in their
Corrales decision,
Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet does nothing to Greg Rupp-the whore (at the time) for Jose Millan who screwed over all those wage claimants & violated their due process. These douchebags cannot self-regulate, and we're supposed to think that they'll righteously promote someone from a merit-based exam? They can't (even) follow laws, much less policies.
Last but not least, the desk donkies wasting money from the taxpayer's bank accounts opened the spigot for the supervisor's meeting in Nor Cal (11/04-06/2007). Now, these money wasters justified expeditures like video conferencing in offices so that they can hold meetings via video conferences. Why must they waste more money on airline tickets, lodging, meals, and time? We need computer software like Adobe Acrobat and scanners, but these money wasters sit around for three days, butt-kiss, and
bray like an old goat about how to make the system worse. Bend over taxpayer, and try to exhale gently.
I have a contact who's looking into CMS, and I need the names of people who have details about Culbeaux, Baker, et al. Specifically, I need names and phone numbers because that's what the reporter needs.
Mail it to: T. Zatori, PO Box 26212, Austin, TX 78755. Copies of anything can be sent here, and I will scan them and post them for all to see (like the examination fraud investigation). It will be forwarded to me. I don't want the names posted here, as they will be targeted for retaliation. If you want the truth to come out about CMS, computer contracting, Culbeaux, and Baker, then this is your opportunity to point truth-seekers in the right direction.
Labels: Almaraz, Bradstreet, Broadwater, Calva, Christine Baker, cms, Corrales, Jim Culbeaux, Millan, Nance Steffen, Rupp, Zatori