DLSE following China, or vice-versa?
Over here at LWDA, DIR, DLSE, whatever the hell you want to call these jerkoff managers (past & present idiots Jose Millan, Donna Dell, Greg Rupp, Abigael Calva, Susan Nakagama, Lupe Almaraz, Robert Jones, John Rea, Angela Bradstreet, Steve McGinty, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Richard Munoz, and last [but not least] Vicki Bradshaw) only try to outspend a blogger by clogging the court and using taxpayer funds to screw the civil justice system. How much money will be spent by the DIR to continue their losing battle, using taxpayer funds? Instead of trying to unfcuk that massive multi-million dollar, taxpayer-paid CMS computer abortion, they're pouring more money into it & outsourcing it to EDD (we're too stoopid at DLSE to fix our own disasters). Instead of halting their practice of biased, unfair, and unethical promotional selection system, they continue to pass & pick whoever they want to promote. Instead of giving the Santa Ana office employees a safety barrier, they continue their practice of making excuses and pointing the finger at everyone else who's to blame...that's what 5-year olds do, not executive public officers. Instead investigating & disciplining Assistant Chief Greg Rupp and Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz for their courtroom-documented violations of the United States Constitution, LWDA/DIR executives pat themselves on the back for a job well done by those two ass-clowns. These people are absolute disasters in public service, and let me repeat their names in case you missed it: Jose Millan, Donna Dell, Greg Rupp, Abigael Calva, Susan Nakagama, Lupe Almaraz, Robert Jones, John Rea, Vicky Bradshaw, Angela Bradstreet, Steve McGinty, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Richard Munoz.
Labels: Almaraz, Bradshaw, Bradstreet, Calva, Dell, Holton, Jones, McGinty, Millan, Mischel, Munoz, Nakagama, Rea, Rupp
Good comments on the corruption and incompetence at DIR:
Jim Culbeaux has wasted millions of taxpayer funds. He has failed on every project he has undertaken.
It is unbeleivable and extremely rare for anyone to have a 100% failure rate, not so for Jim Culbeaux. Yet even though Jim Culbeaux has failed in every project more money is pumped into these projects and Culbeaux gets more promotions.
Then when you think you have heard enough, Jim Culbeaux is given the green light from DIR Personnel Unit and DIR Legal Unit to commit fraud and rig the exams.
DIR Legal has taken up a new role in advising DIR managers how to commit fraud and is directly involved in committing fraud.
"The real problems are rampant incompetence, nepotism,and favoritism."
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