The Taxpayers get dry-humped again; this time in Santa Ana

Labels: Almaraz, Calva, hearing officer
An unofficial blog highlighting inefficient, incompetent service that taxpayers receive as a result of DLSE mismanagement. The opinions here are mine and should not be read by anyone. DIR lawyers Christopher Frick, Angela Bradstreet, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Steve McGinty and Richard Munoz spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dedicated to taking a crap on the 1st Amendment instead of doing DIR-related work for the taxpayers.
Labels: Almaraz, Calva, hearing officer
The hearing officer the blog guy is referring to is of course Vicki Tamoush. I don't see why he is surprised. Management on all levels has let her get away time and time again with treating the public as if they were beneath her. Of course in her mind they are. Someone needs to control her. Jorge has no control of her, and of course she has no control of her spoon which makes her accomplish her job very slowly. Jorge does everything he can to keep complaints about her contained in Santa Ana. Some lawyers complained about her last year and that did go up to San Francisco, and yet she is still protected. The wheels in San Francisco are too busy chasing Lotts to actually resolve any real problems. If it was a male doing these kind of things San Francisco would have Rupp going through all of his files putting a case together trying to get rid of the guy. But she continues to get away with costing the division thousand of needed budget dollars that could be better spent in other places.
Guess what? This is due to our having the fu_ked up Vanessa Holton in charge of this DIR shithouse.
Jim Culbeaux has wasted millions of taxpayer funds. He has failed on every project he has undertaken.
It is unbeleivable and extremely rare for anyone to have a 100% failure rate, not so for Jim Culbeaux. Yet even though Jim Culbeaux has failed in every project more money is pumped into these projects and Culbeaux gets more promotions.
Then when you think you have heard enough, Jim Culbeaux is given the green light from DIR Personnel Unit and DIR Legal Unit to commit fraud and rig the exams.
DIR Legal has taken up a new role in advising DIR managers how to commit fraud and is directly involved in committing fraud.
VT was a b___h when she was in the LA Office and I guess she hasn't changed her ways. Good Luck Santa Ana Staff. Maybe you should have an exorcism to get rid of her!!!
I am only here in the SA Office for (3) months but from what I have seen and heard, VT is not only a liar but a full time snitch. I feel sorry for Jorge since he has to deal with the crap she causes on a daily basis.
Good news! Jorge is re-arranging the SA Office and putting VT in the far side of the office, in a corner, all by herself. Hopefully, she is far enough away from everyone that she can't be a fulltime snitch for the "boss". I hope the carpenters are going to widen the doorway for her.
Is it true that VT made her secretary order a $100.00 carrying case from the State of California, labeled it with her name and put it in her room for her personal use.And what use would you say she uses it for since she doesn't go into the field. Maybe her Lunch!!!!
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