Thursday, November 29, 2007

with MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars at her disposal, why is Bradstreet screwing the taxpayer with her decisions?

The DLSE has millions of dollars to waste spend. Angela Bradstreet is the DLSE's puppet-head Labor Commissioner.
With the millions of taxpayer dollars she's directing to that CMS abortion, why can't she allocate funds to pay for overtime so she can fix that Corrales nightmare?
With the millions of taxpayer dollars she's directing to that CMS abortion, why can't she direct some of those funds to hire staff to adequately contain the Corrales nightmare?
Why is it that Wage Claim staff are still wasting time with counter duty, even though the Corrales decision hangs over the Wage Claim staff? Why isn't BOFE absorbing the counter duties so that DLSE can get a handle on Corrales?
Why does that jackass Governator keep installing morons that continue to butt-rape the taxpayer?

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