"I remember getting off the plane in Bosnia during heavy sniper fire...." Bradstreet, Calva et al should be able to appreciate such a lie by Clinton
that's what a smart person does, but this jackass Clinton doesn't know well enough to stop with the lie, but to her it's not a lie. The comic Sinbad still has his memory, and his memory works just fine-it didn't happen. Let's see, Bosnia was a place too dangerous for the president, but not dangerous enough for the First Lady and first daughter? Being in the military (nothing that Greg Rupp, Lupe Almaraz, Big Vick Bradshaw, Steve McSquinty have experienced), one knows that you don't land the First Family in a hot zone. On 03/26/08, MSNBC's Keith Olberman show (weeknights-check local listings) asked the question: when do continuous, deliberate misstatements become a lie? The American people, contrary to Bradshaw's and Bradstreet's belief, are not stupid. When leaders piss on their head & tell them that it's raining, they tend to become annoyed. No less than 3 times did Mrs. Clinton tell her lie about getting off the plane with sniper fire, and why? This is why we're stuck with assholes like Victoria Bradshaw, Greg Rupp, Abigael Calva, John Rea, Angela Bradstreet, Robert Jones, Anthony Mischel, and the like: ethics and integrity are as out of place in DLSE & DIRt as the 8-track tape player. This is our standard for the US presidential candidates, and people wonder why Bill Clinton hooked up with Monica Lewinsky. I called it months ago: if Obama clenches the democratic nomination, he'll be our next president. If the Bosnian Liar gets it, then McCain will beat her. People think that with Hillary, you get Bill back in the White House. What were they joking about back in the Ohio primary...Obama was knocking on doors looking for votes and Hillary was knocking on doors looking for Bill.