After watching the Senate confirmation of Robert Jones on
calchannel.com, I cannot wait for them to finish him off. This snake doesn't deserve to be anywhere near public service; in fact, he should be in jail for what he has done/tried to do to the workers of California as well as the workers of those that enforce our labor laws, the DLSE.
This is classic Robert Jones: he issued a no-speak gag order on his own DLSE attorneys, so a DLSE attorney goes to ACLU for help (she cannot go to Jones, obviously). She has a kid and there are health complications with the kid, so she requests unpaid leave, and he tells her no f*cking way. Retaliation for going to the ACLU? You bet. Who keeps Jones in check? That other jackass, Victoria Bradshaw, who was personally appointed by Girlie Man GAS to head the new agency & taxpayer black hole, the LWDA. Robert Jones eventually makes nice with the ACLU, and 4 days after making nice with the ACLU, he terminates Miles Locker for the same reasons (supposedly) reconciled with the ACLU. So not only is Robert Jones a stinking pile of feces, but he's a lying, stinking pile of feces. In 02/07, he told me to either settle with him or I'll be fired; needless to say, I'll be here and he'll be going. Miles Locker will be coming back!
It turns out that Jones sharpened his horns on Miles Locker after only 1 month of being hired, so who was really behind the assassination of Miles Locker's career? Victoria Bradshaw, John Rea, and Anthony Mischel. These three douchebags were Robert Jones' pimps, and Robert Jones whored himself for personal gain. Vicky Bradshaw & John Rea didn't have the balls to do it themselves, so they outsourced it to Robert Jones and Tony Mischel. Tony Mischel is one of the biggest pieces of feces collecting a paycheck from the taxpayers, but in the end, Victoria Bradshaw and John Rea should be held responsible for the actions of Robert Jones and Anthony Mischel. Vicky Bradshaw's so stupid, it's a wonder why she hasn't figured out why Tony Mischel is a 3rd-rate lawyer in a 3rd-rate state agency. She and John Rea gave him the job of getting rid of Miles, and she's about as successful at that as making meal & rest periods a penalty...
LOSER!GAS brought Vicky Bradshaw back into public service-who's a Pete Wilson flunkie, and 3 days after her hiring, she dragged Miles Locker into her office and demanded to know who decided meal & rest periods were wages and not penalties. Make no mistake, this meal & rest period thing is
HUGE in California, it's in the hundred of millions of dollars, and shitty employers need Vicky Bradshaw to get rid of Miles Locker so illegitimate employers can abuse labor laws/workers. Legitimate employers don't care because they follow the law; it's the illegitimate employers whose special interest are served by GAS, Victoria Bradshaw, John Rea, Anthony Mischel, and Robert Jones.
Oh Happy Days when Bradshaw, Rea, Mischel, and Jones no longer collect a paycheck from the taxpayers of California. The taxpayers deserve better than these fecal piles.
Labels: Bradshaw, Feces 10, John Rea, Jones, Miles Locker, Mischel