Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Upon reflection of a life lived, you probably won't proclaim, "Gee honey, I wish I spent more time at the office and less time with the family."*

Thursday, December 21, 2006
The DLSE has known the blogger's identity since June-2006, so why do they continue to disrupt DLSE office operations?

BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU ASK---Lee Pearson came to Santa Ana prepared, maybe a little too prepared. He had a copy of the blog posting previously discussing Mr. Broadwater, and Pearson asked him if it was accurate. Bruce pontificated, and it was all on tape. From what was gathered, there is now the possible allegation that the DLSE-through Greg Rupp, Abigael Calva (or both?) might have prevented Mr. Broadwater from ever having been promoted while employed at the DLSE.
What do we know? Rupp tried to fire Broadwater because Rupp assumed that Mr. Broadwater lied on his state employment application. Broadwater sought legal representation to properly respond to Rupp's accusation, and Rupp subsequently halted his action. Ever since that time, Mr. Broadwater has never been promoted.
Acting Labor Commissioner Robert Jones and Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz need to concern themselves more with the actions of Assistant Chief Greg Rupp and less with the content of this blog; they are wasting taxpayer funds (time, resources, equipment) with improper investigations. Isn't the public better served by the DLSE weeding out retaliatory managers who abuse their authority than attempting to harass, discriminate, and retaliate against a blogger.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
No Senate-Confirmation-Needed Robert Jones: how has he improved California's labor standards?

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Dear DLSE Santa, all I want for Christmas is amnesia

1. No Senate-Confirmation-needed-Robert Jones fired Miles Locker.
2. Absolutely no follow through on uploading Overtime Exhibits (with an example) to DLSE website.
3. Absolutely no follow through on uploading Commission Exhibits (with an example) to DLSE website.
4. Absolutely no ability to scan & upload documents at busiest Wage Claim office in California.
5. No Senate-Confirmation-needed-Robert Jones issued a No-Speak memo, then took it back (that stoopid US Constitution got in his way).
6. Conducted molehunt investigation in Los Angeles office...but the DLSE called it something else.
7. Abolutely no Safety Glass/Protective Barrier at busiest Wage Claim office in California.
8. Abolutely no DLSE policy & procedure for investigation of public complaints against DLSE staff.
9. Abolutely no policy and procedure for Settlement Conferences, the process right before the formal 98a hearing.
10. DLC III essay-only exam with 4 people scoring 73 and 21 people scoring 70. I'm sure it wasn't rigged to where the outcome played to DLSE's favor...totally objective.
11. Regional Manager Susan Nakagama stripped of everything except a Nor Cal supervisor and DLC III Lauro Cons, a peace officer being paid/receiving benefits to do very little and/or no criminal work.
12. Still trying to squash this damned blog: Jones reads it more often than his Where's Waldo.
13. And who can forget...CMS! This beast generated the most comments, the most criticism, and the most waste (time, money, resources...when will it end) for DLSE in 2006!If I missed any other highlights, then please hit the comment button below! Yeah, Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz is really making a difference.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Unless the DLSE assigns Susan Nakagama and Lauro Cons to manage Public Information Unit/PIU (phone duty), their current assignment couldn't be worse.

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Rumors have Nakagama, Rupp retiring...remaining power to be stripped from Nakagama

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
What is it about Bruce Broadwater that stirs Assistant Chief Greg Rupp into such a lather?
Bruce Broadwater, the longest mayor (10 years) in Garden Grove's history, failed the DLC III exam. This is a guy who not only knows how to solves problems, but he has a demonstrated record of dealing with the public and public officers. Mr. Broadwater currently sits on Garden Grove's City Council, as the citizens once again voted for this guy to stay in public service. Mr. Broadwater is also a Deputy Labor Commissioner in the Santa Ana wage claim office, and he neither passsed the recent DLC III exam, nor did he pass it the last two times. The last time I checked, Garden Grove is California's 21st-largest city.
It's strange, because the DLSE passed almost everyone, and everyone who passed the DLC III exam mostly received the same crappy score, so why did they bother to flunk him? What's the reason behind the reason? Does it date back to a hard-core Republican by the name of Greg Rupp, who wanted a Democrat staunch Democrat (like Broadwater) removed years ago...once Greg discovered that a Democrat (Broadwater) snuck into a DLSE/Pete Wilson administration? At the time, Greg Rupp was going to terminate Broadwater for having lied on his state application (by not disclosing his political job as mayor), but Broadwater's lawyers said it wasn't necessary. Consequently for Rupp, he was stuck with Broadwater, but did Rupp really forgive and forget? Fast forward to 2006, and the DLSE flunked him on the DLC III exam? What's the real reason? Was it because that Abigael Calva, a close friend & confidant of Greg Rupp as well as Broadwater's Regional Manger, did not recuse herself from the DLC III examination process? Was it because that Abigael Calva knew of Greg Rupp's loss in trying to remove Broadwater during the Pete Wilson administration, or was it because that the DLSE's revenge is a dish best served cold?
How is Bruce Broadwater good enough for Garden Grove, but he's not good enough for a DLSE supervisor position? Maybe he has too much experience, maybe he flunked because he's not some pushover lackey/toadie/suck-up, or maybe he flunked because he will actually serve the people of California and not his insecure promotion selectors. The DLSE isn't saying why he flunked, so we only can only speculate. Maybe the DLSE will provide the evidence they used to justify in flunking him yet passing the others, but I really doubt it. Word on the street is that the DLSE offered Fern the DLC III promotion to Fresno, but she turned it down. If that's true, then anyone else who's offered the job is second-fiddle.
It's strange, because the DLSE passed almost everyone, and everyone who passed the DLC III exam mostly received the same crappy score, so why did they bother to flunk him? What's the reason behind the reason? Does it date back to a hard-core Republican by the name of Greg Rupp, who wanted a Democrat staunch Democrat (like Broadwater) removed years ago...once Greg discovered that a Democrat (Broadwater) snuck into a DLSE/Pete Wilson administration? At the time, Greg Rupp was going to terminate Broadwater for having lied on his state application (by not disclosing his political job as mayor), but Broadwater's lawyers said it wasn't necessary. Consequently for Rupp, he was stuck with Broadwater, but did Rupp really forgive and forget? Fast forward to 2006, and the DLSE flunked him on the DLC III exam? What's the real reason? Was it because that Abigael Calva, a close friend & confidant of Greg Rupp as well as Broadwater's Regional Manger, did not recuse herself from the DLC III examination process? Was it because that Abigael Calva knew of Greg Rupp's loss in trying to remove Broadwater during the Pete Wilson administration, or was it because that the DLSE's revenge is a dish best served cold?
How is Bruce Broadwater good enough for Garden Grove, but he's not good enough for a DLSE supervisor position? Maybe he has too much experience, maybe he flunked because he's not some pushover lackey/toadie/suck-up, or maybe he flunked because he will actually serve the people of California and not his insecure promotion selectors. The DLSE isn't saying why he flunked, so we only can only speculate. Maybe the DLSE will provide the evidence they used to justify in flunking him yet passing the others, but I really doubt it. Word on the street is that the DLSE offered Fern the DLC III promotion to Fresno, but she turned it down. If that's true, then anyone else who's offered the job is second-fiddle.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Asst. Chief Greg Rupp reached out to supervisor Chen to revise buddy's performance evaluation?
If truth be told, it seems that one of those who received a poor performance evaluation from probationary supervisor Diana Chen refused to sign it, and then she revised it. Was this person "connected" to Asst. Chief Greg Rupp? Did Greg Rupp have previous knowledge of the performance evaluation and then allowed his minion Diana Chen to revise it? How many other performance evaluations were revised?What were Acting Labor Commissioner Robert Jones, Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz, Assistant Cheif Greg Rupp, and Senior Special Investigatior Lee Pearson doing with Diana Chen's performance evaluations? Why were they making photocopies of those performance evaluations? Were they making copies of the first edition performance evaluations, or just the revised performance evaluations? Why is there such an interest by the powers-that-be in a probationary supervisor's performance evaluations of her staff? Didn't Diana Chen first run them by her boss, Regional Manager Susan Nakagama? Don't the powers-that-be have more important problems to fix? It reminds me of that age-old question, how many DLSE managers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Possible Settlement Conference between Blogger and DLSE, maybe late December
If the DLSE wants this settled, then I have only three requests for the DLSE to honor; otherwise, Defendant/DLSE Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz should prepare for June 4, 2007.
1) I want to exercise my constitutional rights.
2) I want equal opportunity in the DLSE workplace.
3) I want to be free from DLSE retaliation, discrimination, and harassment.
1) I want to exercise my constitutional rights.
2) I want equal opportunity in the DLSE workplace.
3) I want to be free from DLSE retaliation, discrimination, and harassment.
Any legals fees paid to having asserted such legal rights will be paid by the entity attempting to squash such rights.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
DLSE to convert $70,000+/yr. Deputy Labor Commissioners into CMS typists

Why does it take 11 CMS computer screens to complete something so simple as a 1-page child work permit?
DLSE staff to thumb their nose at CMS: issue child work permits without CMS, the public is reportedly pleased with such efficient service

The DLSE Legal Unit continues to waste taxpayer dollars

I'm quite surprised that attorneys Munoz, McGinty, Holton, and Mischel still have enough to tie their shoes, but that's not the point. They will have their day in court on June 4, 2007 when they represent Defendant Lupe Almaraz. In the meanwhile, they seem to be fairly consistent in wasting the taxpayers' money. They could spend their time more constructively by not filing their loser motions.
The latest information from the state of California is that it costs a department approximately $100,000 to file & subsequently settle an Adverse Action. If the Adverse Action continues all the way through the State Personnel Board system, then that cost increases to almost $250,000. These DLSE attorneys could be fulfilling the mission of the DLSE, but instead they are wasting taxpayer time, resources, and money. Like I said before, if this blog had nothing but beautiful things to say about the DLSE, then they'd have no problem with it's an argument about content. Munoz, don't leave the DLSE just yet: Lupe Almaraz will need your talent, expertise, and successful motion filing history to represent him.
Congrats to Lupe Almaraz & Nance Steffen on making the 1-day CMS X-mas party into a 2-day taxpayer-paid fiesta!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Diana Chen's probationary status in jeopardy? NO WAY! She's a yes-woman to Susan Nakagama & Greg Rupp!

1) whatever became of her hiring of a non-Spanish speaker at the Santa Ana office?
2) how many complaints has she filed since becoming a supervisor?
3) has Susan Nakagama's performance evaluations of Diana Chen highlighted any concerns?
4) has DLSE productivity increased or decreased during Diana Chen's supervisory status?
5) does she mainly create problems or solve problems for the DLSE? Is this documented?
6) how much evidence (good or bad) does she have in her subordinates' personnel "drop" files that support those performance evaluations that bear her signature?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Why didn't DLSE Asst. Chief Nance Steffen assign a local CMS staff member to the busiest DLSE office in California?

Friday, December 01, 2006
DLSE Assistant Chief Nance Steffen to throw TAXPAYER-PAID Christmas party to CMS staff on December 13th?

Here's the feedback so far: CMS is crap. It wasn't originally designed for the DLSE's needs. CMS is extremely hard to use. CMS is not user-friendly. CMS is not public-service friendly. In summary, CMS sux. Try not to spend $100,000+ of the taxpayer's money by flying all of your cheerleaders to your Christmas party. I understand that it's hard to throw a Christmas party via email or video-teleconference. Don't worry: in your mind, everyone still thinks you're great. Are wanna-be Labor Commissioner Robert Jones and Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz gonna show their CMS prowess at your party.....whoops, I mean "feedback meeting?" Go ahead with your X-mas party, and maybe you'll get your Christmas wish that the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. will do a Public Records Act and find out who completed TECs (Travel & Expense Claims) for your little jaunt, and at what cost to the taxpayer. FRAUD, WASTE and ABUSE can be directly reported to the following office (DLSE has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to properly investigate one of their own):
Nance Steffen to release training video of Lupe Almaraz & Robert Jones processing wage claims on CMS: fun AND easy to use.*

It would be nice to receive the DLSE performance standards for processing wage claims, work permits, etc. while using CMS. Then again, that would mean that management must enact such standards. Even though they've never had such standards in the past (before CMS), I'm guessing that wanna-be Labor Commissioner Robert Jones has performance standards to give DLSE employees, which is why he wants his supervisors to dole out performance evaluations.Before ya' judge anyone against a measuring stick, ya' first gotta have a measuring stick.