DLSE Assistant Chief Nance Steffen to throw TAXPAYER-PAID Christmas party to CMS staff on December 13th?

Here's the feedback so far: CMS is crap. It wasn't originally designed for the DLSE's needs. CMS is extremely hard to use. CMS is not user-friendly. CMS is not public-service friendly. In summary, CMS sux. Try not to spend $100,000+ of the taxpayer's money by flying all of your cheerleaders to your Christmas party. I understand that it's hard to throw a Christmas party via email or video-teleconference. Don't worry: in your mind, everyone still thinks you're great. Are wanna-be Labor Commissioner Robert Jones and Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz gonna show their CMS prowess at your party.....whoops, I mean "feedback meeting?" Go ahead with your X-mas party, and maybe you'll get your Christmas wish that the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. will do a Public Records Act and find out who completed TECs (Travel & Expense Claims) for your little jaunt, and at what cost to the taxpayer. FRAUD, WASTE and ABUSE can be directly reported to the following office (DLSE has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to properly investigate one of their own):
We the tax-payers are paying for these bone-heads and parasites that suck up public funds and fly at taxpayer expense to attend parties paid for by consultants.
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