Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm voting Republican because:

- I don't like shopping at small neighborhood stores. Only big stores, like Wal-Mart that imports crap from China while keeping wages under control.
- I don't really want a cure for AIDS and breast cancer.
- I think new drugs should be made available immediately, whether they've been tested or not. As long as the pharmacies bottom line is healthy, that's good enough for me.
- I want my kids in a classroom with at least 30 other children. That way, they'll be challenged by fighting for attention.
- Women just can't be trusted to make a decisions about their own bodies. NEVER. EVER. EVER!
- I've already seen the great outdoors. So, it's time to start drilling for oil on public land. That's what the land is for. Besides, oil is more important than parks, wilderness areas or protecting animals.
- As an African American, I want a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. I like that we'll be treated as separate, while still be called equal.
- Corporations should not have to clean up environmental damage. The EPA is old, out-of-date idea anyway. If people want clean water, buy it in a bottle.
- I don't want to know if the food I'm eating has been genetically modified. I trust the Republicans to tell me my food is safe. So, if the label says it's food, that's good enough for me.
- I enjoy being screwed by the utility companies.
- We need more minorities in prison.
- I don't deserve health insurance.
- Hybrid cars suck.
- Texas needs more billionaires.
- The Constitution is just one big inconvenient headache.
- All other countries are inferior to us.
- We need to start as many wars as it takes to keep the peace, wether justified or not.
- So I can stay in Iraq and my baby boy can go to Iran.
DIRt/DLSE Republicans: Governator Steroid, Vicky Bradshaw, John Rea, Robert Jones, Tony Mischel, Greg Rupp, John Duncan, and Dean Fryer & Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet (although she's listed as a Democrat, being a whore for the Republican administration that appointed her grants her & Fryer honorary status)


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Businesses who rec'd citations from DIRt should act just like DIRt: fight, delay, and refuse to pay!

Some commenter, smarter than myself (I can't take credit for this idea), stated that all business owners who have been cited by DIRt/DLSE should follow the standard set by DIRt/DLSE. Businesses should fight every citation, file every motion they can for a continuance, and then refuse to pay after the decision is rendered. This will mirror what the DIRt/DLSE has acted by Judge Fell's decision.
First, they fought the TRO (temporary restraining order) preventing them from violating the blogger's right to off-duty typing. Second, they filed motions for delays and continuances (here's a HINT: losers never want to fight in court, they want to delay in hopes of memory fading/loss of interest). Third, once they lost the case, they just refused to pay. Almost a year later and they've still refused to pay.
This is a classic DIRt/DLSe example of "do as I say and not as I do," meaning that they want cited businesses to pay the citations without putting up a fight.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Skelly Hearing for Blogger's termination finished at lightning speed...the kangaroo court continues

The Skelly Officer took a meeting with DIR Chief Counsel Vanessa Holton hours before the Skelly Hearing. I know that the Skelly Officer wants to please his handlers, since he's still working and collecting a state paycheck. It's not everyday that Vanessa Holton flies down and spends time at the Santa Ana office; in fact, it's the first time that I've even heard about Vanessa visiting Santa Ana.
Skelly Hearing started at 10am on 08/06/08 in Santa Ana, finished at 11am and the Skelly Officer was able to review the case, make no changes, transmit the information to HQ in San Francisco, and HQ sent the letter the same day. This was the fastest I've seen the DIR work since they gave away that free, taxpayer money at the CMS contractors for the $10,000,000+ computer software garbage that doesn't work.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Santa Ana jota supervisor does it again, but this time he screws over the entire settlement conference staff

Jorge Gomez thought he, Regional Idiot Abigael Calva, and San Bernadino mgr. Bob Sweet could handle the settlement conferences after they terminated the blogger. How long do you think that lasted? That's right, two weeks! They got a small taste of what settlement conference deputies do day in and day out, and they ran back under their little desks, sucking their thumbs and mumbling "mommy."
Confidential sources tell me that DLSE puta mgr. Jorge Gomez directed the secretary to start re-assigning the blogger's caseload to all of the other staff...Jorge, if you are going to eff them, at least kiss them first! What happened to the replacement deputy? What's the average caseload for settlement deputies in Santa Ana now? Gomez certainly does more with less.
According to the Dept. of Personnel Administration, cranial rectal inversion is not covered under approved sick leave....there is no cure.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

DIRt protects their own: this house is about to be levied because DIRt continues to give the "f*ck you" to Judge Fell's order

Click pic to enlarge.
The douchebags at DIRt are still racking up the taxpayers' bill. The cost of enforcing and collecting a civil judgment can be added to the judgment. The Feces 10 insist upon giving Judge Fell the middle finger by ignoring her order, so now bank accounts and houses will be levied and wages will be garnished upon former Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz for his violating the blogger's rights. The longer the Feces 10 dicks around and gives the collective "eff you" to Judge Fell, the taxpayer bill is only getting bigger.
The Feces 10 can do this & will continue to do this because it's not their money: it's your money, and they don't give a shit about your money. Just ask for an accounting of the $10,000,000+ computer software abortion called CMS

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Taxpayer-paid bottomless pit being used to harass & retaliate against blogger, more taxpayer waste like CMS & Robert Jones' salary...

Click pic to enlarge & read. OD legal, Victoria Bradshaw, Robert Jones, John Duncan, Angela Bradstreet: the list of taxpayer waste never ends. They will fight to the taxpayer's very last dime on this, which is not remotely near the DLSE's Mission Statement. If they spent $10,000,000+ of the taxpayer's money on that CMS abortion, you don't think they'll pay the salaries of 3 or 5 OD Legal douchebags to keep the blogger out of state service?
Robert Jones was so much of a douchebag to be rejected of his political appointment, but he was a loyal bitch (female dog), so Blondie found him a job that doesn't require senate confirmation to the tune of $125,000+ per year. You know what he does? He sits on his fat ass while the California Bear craps into his direct deposit once a month. The taxpayers are footing that freebie, and Jones has nothing to show for his 8 hours of pay for 8 hours of work...that's the grift.
The DLSE and DIR douchebags do not care about punitive damages, compensatory damages, or actual damges because it's not their's the taxpayer's money. It's a bottomless pit for them to squander & waste. $100,000? Who cares! $450,000? Not mine! $10,000,000? Doesn't matter! If I steal $20 worth of gas and put it in my private car, I get fired, but if Lupe Almaraz instigates a lawsuit and loses a hundred thousand dollars of the taxpayer's money, then he's promoted to the Chair of the California Agricultural Relations Board at $125,000+ per year....government corruption and kickbacks at its finest.

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lawsuit's final...Judge fell awarded all court fees to blogger, even the cost of the expert witness: boot-licker Dean Fryer will prolly comment that..

the blogger is still a loser, even though every court decision & motion has been ruled in the blogger's favor. That's how smart the lawyers at DIRt are. These are the same big brains that f*cked the taxpayer with CMS, the ten million dollar plus abortion where not one douche rec'd so much as a counseling memo for this grand theft of taxpayer funds.
The home-wrecking skank called Vanessa Holton (Chief Counsel-DIRt OD Legal) has no less than 3 asshole OD-Legal attorneys on trying to lose a few more for me. How exactly did Vanessa Holton and Lloyd Aubrey get together? Wasn't Lloyd married at the time? Wasn't he Labor Commissioner at the time? Was this the same time that someone saw then Labor Commissioner Lloyd Aubrey and current DLSE Regional Manager Abigael Calva getting REAL snuggly in an elevator, right before Lloyd got Calva promoted? Wasn't Abigael Calva married to that USC dentist at the time of the snuggly elevator scene? Anything for a promotion, huh? Ethics? What's that? Marriage committment, huh? Do you think that Vanessa Holton and Abigael Calva ever discuss Lloyd Aubrey and compare notes to establish a timeline of "significant" events...who was where and when?
All I gotta say is this: the asshole at work is the asshole at the restaurant and is the asshole at home. That being said, the cheater at home is the cheater at work and is the cheater at Catholic confession.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Commenters like Dean Fryer & Jim Culbeaux are taking their stoopid pills again

When you set a double digit IQ person loose upon the internet, then moronic comments multiply like DIRt's sexual promotion system CMS contract fee payments.
Let's see if I follow the commenter's logic: employer breaks state labor laws and somehow it's the fault of the settlement conference deputy? That's like wanting to fault & subsequently sue the homicide detective for all the murders he solved. That's a great with it!
DIRt f*cks the taxpayer with CMS, DIRt violates the US Constitution, DIRt only promotes political butt kissers, and all of DIRt's problems would magically disappear if it were not for 1 settlement deputy...oh, that's rich! All of this done under a Republican administration...let's not forget the chief douchebag, Robert Jones, who was so slimy and worthless that he couldn't get one vote towards his political appointment, and then that other douchebag LWDA secretary Victoria Bradshaw gave him some stoopid title and a $125,000+/yr. taxpayer paycheck.
You're's the fault of only the messenger! When you're finished with your moron pills, lemme know when you need a refill. When Republicans are in charge, soldiers die, taxes go towards special interest, and it's always the employee's fault (the one with no power & wealth)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Governator's FEDERAL minimum wage & not even CALIFORNIA minimum wage?? Why are you not walking out in protest? You should party like Whore-hay Gomez!

I love his minimum wage party hat! I want one to celebrate the Governor effing his own workers, oh but wait, I don't f*ck state workers.
If the state insists on not living up to its contractual obligations, then state workers should walk out and not work. DLCs have this "no walkout" clause, and without a contract and with this minimum wage shoved up their asses, they should reciprocate the favor.
I'd rather get $0 per hour and not work than have to listen to Whore-hay Gomez banter at a staff meeting for $6.55 per hour...just shoot me now!

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