Diana Chen: professional complainer, tattle-tale, snitch?
If I want to peek into the future, all I really need is a glimpse into the past. In the past, she could be considered a professional complainer, very similar to that of a spoiled kid who suffered from Only Child Syndrome. Her people skills are somewhat lacking, and that happens to be a big part of the job: constantly interacting with the public, the bosses, and the staff. DLSE probationary supervisor glitch#1-she arrives to the Santa Ana office, and it's not a week before she's complaining and fabricating incidents to support her complaints against another DLSE employee. It turns out that there was a witness that contradicted Diana Chen's version to the point where it appeared that Diana Chen had lied to make her complaint more valid. Diana's boss, Susan Nakagama, makes sure that her fingerprints are not on anything perceived with accountability, so Diana's fabrication will not be addressed. Words cannot express how this directly affects the office where Diana Chen now works, and how this indirectly affects the People of California.
DLSE probationary supervisor glitch#2-with no caseload and no real requirement to resolve the public's concerns, supervisor Diana Chen fails to take command of a rapidly deteriorating situation at Santa Ana's front counter yesterday. A female started complaining to one of Diana Chen's staff, then the same female started yelling at one of the clerks, then the same female started yelling at a different BOFE employee. During the entire time that this one person yelled, complained, and tore through at least 3 civil servants, Diana Chen just stood about ten feet away and watched it all unravel. She never bothered to assist her staff, she never bothered to intercede and assist in resolving the complaint, and she never bothered to try to resolve & address the one making the complaint. In fact, when she thought she might be dragged into that drama, she promptly left and could not be found.
This is how a probationary supervisor acts; this is her real-time example of putting her "best foot forward," to demonstrate that she's worthy of the promotion. This is the state standard, as this was their selection to make, and boy did they make it. At the day-to-day operational level, it is the public (and the people that share the same office floor) that ultimately bear the brunt of management's decisions; in this case, the decision to promote Diana Chen: someone who is equally qualified in her conflict resolution skills as she is in her co-worker communication skills.