Danny Dumbar is out of sick leave and he needs his taxpayer-paid money. He finally figured out a way to keep his paycheck and to not do anything. He touches his desk and then he leaves. Of course, he literally doesn't "touch" his desk then leaves, but what he does is he generally arrives at 10am and leaves at about 2pm - probably takes his lunch, too! Hearing Officers are exempt from overtime, so as long as he shows up to work, then he really ain't gotta do any work.
Since Regional Manager Abigael Calva is scared sh*tless of having her Hearing Officers record their time on any daily logs, there's no "evidence" of how Dumbar spends his time. Literally, he should either be holding hearings or writing the hearing decisions; everything else Dumbar does is minutia, like scheduling and counter duty.
Jorge Gomez, Santa Ana's long-time, wage claim supervisory idiot, hired Danny Dumbar back when Danny was just a low-level moron in Long Beach. Apparently, Jorge found someone dumber than him. In California state employment this is important because a moron like Danny Dumbar makes Jorge Gomez look smart, and this is very important in state service because it's not about helping the taxpayers, it's about career self-preservation and special interests. Don't forget that it was Jorge Gomez that bent over, literally, in trying to help his boss Lupe Almaraz in violating my rights in which a superior court told Lupe Almaraz that what he did was illegal, but I digress.
Danny Dumbar had 35 "decisions" to write up, meaning that Danny held the 35 hearings but didn't formally write up the decisions, so instead of Jorge Gomez doing Danny Dumbar's work, Jorge Gomez told his two other hearing officers to do Danny Dumbar's job by writing the decisions on behalf of Dumbar. Jorge Gomez's immediate boss, Abigael Calva, is all pissed off about it, but she's trying to keep it hush-hush and away from upper management's attention.
Well, I'm sure that Rick Rice, Dean Fryer, Tony Mischel, Steve "
Powder" McSquinty, or whoever else commits
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse by using state time, i.e., taxpayer money, to monitor this blog will tell them to hurry up and cover their tracks so no one else starts poking their nose where it don't belong.
Abby Calva wants the Santa Ana DLSE settlement conference deputies to have a "cattle call" conferences in March, 2010 and then she wants the Santa Ana Hearing Officers to have their "cattle call" hearings in April, 2010. She's so desparate that she's resorting to giving up complete control to Jorge Gomez, only to have Jorge Gomez not get the job done! Go Jorge!