Blogger rec'd this from anonymous source...quoted below
"It has come to my attention that since a Hearing Officer in the Santa Ana office haas filed a grievance based on gender discrimination as well as filing a complaint with EEOC, he has ben harassed and retaliated against. The Department has now made a 35-year employee with a spotless record appear to be the worst employee ever hired. The retaliation is relentless in that he has now been issued warnings concerning attendance, lateness, and long lunch hours. Furthermore, every time he refuses to settle the matter with the Department he is further disciplined. The first time he refused to settle, he was issued an attendance warning, the second time he refused settlement he was given another disciplinary day off without pay. What is the union doing in trying to resolve these discriminatory and retaliatory acts. The answer is that they are trying to coerce the employee in accepting a settlement offer that favors the department rather than putting an end to these discriminatory acts. It is public knowledge that "CASE" has never won a grievance against this department and they will do anything to settle rather than going to a hearing or God help us, court."Blogger's comment: let me address two issues,
1) the employee's union, CASE, has so much money and so little talent-it is embarrassing. For example, let's say that there are 400 DLC Is and DLC IIs paying $45/month in dues. CASE takes in $18,000 a month-just from the DLSE employees! $18,000 a month! Who the heck knows that they do with that money because CASE receives a lot of money from DLSE just to lose their grievances! CASE representative Monica Miner is a better breast-feeder than legal representative. She should go back to being a full-time mother because this way, only one human being is effed up under her watch instead of the DLSE employees that must suffer under her representation.
2) DLSE's history has been to intimidate with their lawyers and investigations until they get the desired result. All one needs to do is to take them to court, a real court, not their in-house Civil Rights Office (CRO) and certainly not the State Personnel Board (SPB). The CRO is there to protect the DLSE, to whitewash any management improprieties and the hammer any employee deemed undesirable. The SPB is here to protect the Governor's interest, which means that the DLSE must be protected. Since it was management that initiated these adverse actions against the employee, the SPB must now find a way to legally justify DLSE's incompetence, lack of policies & procedures, double standards, retaliation, and discrimination.DLSE ambulance chaser Tony Mischel will probably win his SPB case against me, but I'm not going to stop will go to a Writ of Mandate in Superior Court, and if the SPB judge intentionally shows bias towards the DLSE, then the state bar can handle that complaint. I'll pit my attorney against Tony Mischel on any day of the week, even my attorney's worst day and Tony Mischel's best day. Tony's nothing unless he has home court advantage. Put Tony in a real courtroom and he's just another fat old man with a law degree, no talent and certainly nothing special-that's why he's a lowly hatchet-man for a 3rd-rate agency like the DLSE.In a few years, his fat-encrusted heart will either seize up, he'll have a stroke from all that smoking, or maybe he's already a Type II Diabetic because of all those chocolates. In any event, his body fat content, the girth of his waist, his smoke-filled lungs only play to my favor. Tony Mischel is a lazy glutton, whether it's a cigarette, a sausage, or a caramel. He has no internal discipline, and that makes him the best kind of adversary: a lazy moron whose daily hell is getting out of bed and trying to fit into his own elastic pants. The sooner my attorney wins, the sooner I can laugh harder and louder.
1) the employee's union, CASE, has so much money and so little talent-it is embarrassing. For example, let's say that there are 400 DLC Is and DLC IIs paying $45/month in dues. CASE takes in $18,000 a month-just from the DLSE employees! $18,000 a month! Who the heck knows that they do with that money because CASE receives a lot of money from DLSE just to lose their grievances! CASE representative Monica Miner is a better breast-feeder than legal representative. She should go back to being a full-time mother because this way, only one human being is effed up under her watch instead of the DLSE employees that must suffer under her representation.
2) DLSE's history has been to intimidate with their lawyers and investigations until they get the desired result. All one needs to do is to take them to court, a real court, not their in-house Civil Rights Office (CRO) and certainly not the State Personnel Board (SPB). The CRO is there to protect the DLSE, to whitewash any management improprieties and the hammer any employee deemed undesirable. The SPB is here to protect the Governor's interest, which means that the DLSE must be protected. Since it was management that initiated these adverse actions against the employee, the SPB must now find a way to legally justify DLSE's incompetence, lack of policies & procedures, double standards, retaliation, and discrimination.DLSE ambulance chaser Tony Mischel will probably win his SPB case against me, but I'm not going to stop will go to a Writ of Mandate in Superior Court, and if the SPB judge intentionally shows bias towards the DLSE, then the state bar can handle that complaint. I'll pit my attorney against Tony Mischel on any day of the week, even my attorney's worst day and Tony Mischel's best day. Tony's nothing unless he has home court advantage. Put Tony in a real courtroom and he's just another fat old man with a law degree, no talent and certainly nothing special-that's why he's a lowly hatchet-man for a 3rd-rate agency like the DLSE.In a few years, his fat-encrusted heart will either seize up, he'll have a stroke from all that smoking, or maybe he's already a Type II Diabetic because of all those chocolates. In any event, his body fat content, the girth of his waist, his smoke-filled lungs only play to my favor. Tony Mischel is a lazy glutton, whether it's a cigarette, a sausage, or a caramel. He has no internal discipline, and that makes him the best kind of adversary: a lazy moron whose daily hell is getting out of bed and trying to fit into his own elastic pants. The sooner my attorney wins, the sooner I can laugh harder and louder.