So we have this meeting to streamline the hearing. If we can stipulate to authenticity & to relevance with certain documents, then that means a faster trial and less time in front of the annuitant judge.
Mark Rosen's an experienced & successful litigator who knows not to waste a judge's time, so he stipulates to whatever he can. Do you know what Anhtony Mischel & Christopher Frick do? They don't stipulate to a thing! They also want to (further) violate my Skelly rights by introducing more garbage to their case.
During the trial, Anthony Mischel's going to sit there & kiss the SPB judge's ass because that's all he knows how to do. He sits there and wastes time by talking about nothing. He starts every sentence with, "I think the real question is...," and then he babbles like a drunken fool for an hour or so. There's a reason why the Los Angeles DIRt legal office is on the same floor as the State Personnel Board - all day long they boot lick on the 6th floor and build rapport so that there's a comfortable acquaintance between DIRt & SPB.
Plus, these SPB judges are here to protect DIRt - they are not here to protect employees because at the end of the day their checks from Schwarzenegger. Their loyalty is to those that got them the promotion (to SPB judge), and those people cut their checks. Unfortunately, I will not get a fair trial until this is completely removed from state circles.