Gov. A-hole thumping chest about state vehicle abuse. How about Gov. A-hole starts with Abigael Calva's car, or do rich females
get to use taxpayer-paid cars because it's a rich girl's world when Angela Badstreet's in charge at DLSE!This is a 09.18.09 Los Angeles Times article about Gov. A-hole's half-hearted attempted to reign in spending like a drunken sailor. GAS can stop California's circling the drain by firing all of his half-wit advisers @ $150,000+/yr. When the sex-for-promotion state employees are no longer in a position of LWDA/DIR/DLSE control, then we can begin to clean it up.Vanessa Holton, Abigael Calva, Denise Padres, Susan Nakagama, and Victoria Bradshaw can resign, turn in their taxpayer-paid vehicles, and make room for those that can do the job (with a minimum of taxpayer-paid waste).