Halting further taxpayer-paid fraud, waste, and abuse regarding the multi-million dollar CMS computer software contract:
F- Initiate policies & procedures for Settlement Conferences:
F- Initiate guideline policy for dismissing wage claims:
F- Bringing DLSE into compliance after
Corrales supreme court decision:
F- Disciplining DLSE Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz for violating the constitutional rights of a DLSE employee:
F- Disciplining DLSE Assistant Chief Greg Rupp for violating the constitutional rights of those victimized by him as described in the
Corrales supreme court decision:
F- Initiate policy & procedures for issuing & rejecting child entertainment work permits:
F- Making the safety of DLSE/Santa Ana employees her #1 concern by installing safety glass (just like her office):
F- In summation, Angela Bradstreet is a perfect manager for this division. She doesn't do shit, she hasn't done shit, and she's made no material progress on the issues that plague DLSE.
Bradstreet's lame (and few) press releases about issuing citations to non-donators/non-lobbyists are boring: any monkey can write a citation (versus the 'hard' statistics on citations paid, citations to collections, citation appeal hearings won/lost, etc.). This division is a failure because the people at the top are a failure; they are failing the taxpayers of this state, and no one (at the top) gives a rat's ass.
Labels: Almaraz, Bradstreet, cms, Corrales, Rupp
Vanessa Holton is responsible for advising these knuckle-heads and DIR on honoring the rights of their employees. Vanessa Holton is totally dishonest and deceiving and should be disbarred.
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