Re-cap of current DLSE failures and management's impotence inability to overcome such failures

2. DLC III exam results: fraud, cronyism, or both?
3. DLC IV exam results: fraud, cronyism, or both?
4. Regional Manager Abigael Calva's taxpayer-paid state vehicle, state gas, state parking, and paid commute from Pasadena to Los Angeles
5. DLSE's lack of Performance Standards for all of its employees
6. DLSE peace officer designation despite drunk driving & wrecked state vehicle(s)
7. DLSE peace officer taxpayer-paid benefits yet no (or very very little) criminal prosecutions/filings
8. DLSE retaliation against those who have filed workers compensation insurance claims (Rowene Diaz, Susanna Lopez, Armida Corral)
9. DLSE Assistant Chief Greg Rupp's discourteous treatment, incompetence, and inefficient state service to all of those claimants victimized by Rupp's Meal & Rest period constitutional violations
10. Former "Acting" labor Commissioner Robert Jones' lack of fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayer in his vindictictive quest to terminate a respectable DLSE attorney and a Deputy Labor Commissioner through the office of OD Legal
11. Cuadra v. Millan
12. Livadas v. Bradshaw
14. The Corrales Decision
15. No policies & procedures manual for Settlement Conference Officers
16. No Commission, Overtime, Vacation attachments on DLSE website to augment wage claims filed by the public
17. No safety barrier for the busiest DLSE wage claim office in the state
18. No policies & procedures for complaints filed by members of the public against those serving in DLSE
19. DLSE's taxpayer-paid waste of money into their retaliatory molehunt into the blogger's sources, courtesy of Greg Rupp, Lupe Almaraz, and Robert Jones
20. Improper & discriminatory handling of complaints (involving Spanish translators and discourteous treatment during 98a hearings) made against DLSE Hearing Officers who have provided a disservice to those they serve
Teh failure of the multi-million dollar CMS software implentation goes to both DLSE management and the DIR IT management. The IT stars responsible form this fiasco also got promotions, Leslie Clemant, Jim Culbeaux! WHAT A INSULTING JOKE TO THE CALIFORNIA TAXPAYERS!
You fogot the failure of headquarters to investigate Vicki Tamoush, Santa Ana hearing officer for discriminating against hispanics and getting kickbacks from her favorite interpreter.
I hear a lot about this JIM CULBEAU here, who is this PIMP?
Is he responsible for CMS?
The Guy, Culbeaux is responsible for most of the failures in the DIR computer projects, and the millions of dollars in contracts awarded to the private counsultants including the CMS. He is the DIR Chief Information Officer!
An DIR internal truce to do a multi-agency sweep of Wal-Mart at 732 Center Drive, San Marcos, CA (San Diego County)? See other blog comments about this sweat shop. Suggest shutter and take appropriate civil/criminal action aginst individuals.
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