Bringing in new desk donkeys is the traditional revolving-door DLSE approach to solving problems; the equivalent of a band-aid on an amputation. So John Rea leaves: that's a good thing. So Robert Jones leaves: that's a good thing. Every day that Angela Bradstreet fails to use her juice with Susan Kennedy (so she can buzz in GAS' ear) is another day that the DLSE fails to improve.
There's a Hearing Officer who has systematically pissed off almost every translator sent to her hearings. There's another Hearing Officer where labor & employment attorneys like Mr. Afgani
* REFUSE to have their client(s) go before Vicki Tamoush. Regional Manager Abigael Calva knows about it and keeps secrets like these buried (like a child molesting uncle no one wants to talk about) in hopes that if the problem stays ignored long enough...it might just go away on its own. Regional Manager Calva's the one that instructs the supervisor to listen to the wage claim hearing tapes
and to bury the complaints. Calva's the one that does absolutely nothing unless instructed by (previously) DLSE Assistant Chief Nance Steffen and recently, DLSE Deputy Chief Lupe Almaraz.
Hell's bells, Lupe can directly call supervisors on his Blackberry and bark out orders, so why doesn't the DLSE shitcan Abby Calva and save the taxpayers about $100K/Yr? The taxpayers would also get an almost-new Impala (low commute mileage from Pasadena to LA) if they showed Abby Calva the door.
*-It's real easy to prove up this one: look up Mr. Afgani on the State Bar website, then make contact & ask him how many times that he's gone before Hearing Officer Vicki Tamoush since filing his complaints against her conduct. Then, ask the DLSE, specifically that retard DLSE Wage Claim Regional Manager Abigael Calva as to what's been done to Vicki Tamoush. If the "problem" has been corrected, then there's no reason why Mr. Afgani cannot go before Vicki Tamoush. But if they buried Afgani's complaints, then the problem is not fixed (Vicki Tamoush is still doing it her way because Abigael Calva doesn't give a shit about this division) , which means that Tamoush does whatever she wants.Labels: Afgani, Almaraz, Bradstreet, Calva, Jones, Rea, Susan Kennedy, Tamoush
Our company has been tossed into ruins by the unbridled ability of the DLSE staff to ignore subpoenas, trash the truth, and harm innocents in the process.
Christopher, You've been severely wronged by an ambitious woman, a one Susan Nakagama, your termination collectively appears to have been inspired by her.
Yes, she's a racist and a genderist; her trademarks are deceit and treachery that IS, with very little doubt, attributable to her upbringing; I know Christopher (see my IP address).
You want revenge, amigo, and I don't blame you. It'll be a slow process, if you do it legally, but that is your only option.
First, take off and delete all of your crazy blog comments on all of your sites to rehabilitate yourself. I know you were being manipulated by a couple of rogues in the ofc. So clear all of that up.
Second, begin a rational, steady communication to your local state senator and assemblyperson. Focus on the culture of fear and breeding of treachery and work dysfunction by Susan Nakagama and her progeny. Publish them on this site and I will edit it for you, if you need help.
Third, Cc and write personalized letters with request for assist and guidance from civil rights organizations that has indirectly brought an untalented and ill tempered woman into state management; Japanese American Citizens' League, Boards of: The Japanese American National Museum (LA), Japanese American Cutural Center (LA), Japanese American Museum of San Jose. Mike Honda (state senator) from San Jose; executives of the state agencies of which she reports to. I suspect CASE has not been and will not be of much use but they should have documented records of similar grievances brought against Susan Nakagama by other personnel.
Let them be apprised thru their own investigation to confirm that your messages are not a crank complaints. They will be embarassed and angry; let them initiate corrective action so Susan Nakagama can't pull out the race card.
If you are sccessful in this endeavor don't let Nakagama get away with a resignation; pursue your civil rights complaint even past her resignation; see it thru so people similarly disposed in their methods in any community will be apprised thru a well publicized process of public humiliation for corruption.
I hope this helps, Christopher. Some of us, thought we don't consider you a friend, would be allies in this endeavor with you.
Best of luck.
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