Another hearing officer Vicki Tamoush, "serving the public" style to upset both employee & employer taxpayers

This morning, Vicki Tamoush simply hid behind the partition and intentionally failed to notifiy Deputy Labor Commissioner Bruce Broadwater that one of his parties was late, so she let them just sit there in the waiting room while DLC Broadwater unknowingly continued the conference. Mr. Broadwater then discovers the inaction of DLC II Vicki Tamoush and informs DLC III Jorge Gomez about this discourteous treatment to the public. Unfortunately, Bruce Broadwater is talking to someone whose sole focus is to protect the butt-kissing snitch at all costs.
Ain't nuthin' gonna happen to Tamoush: attorney Afgani complains about Tamoush, they give Afgani to DLC II Jackson or DLC II Valdez. Boeing writes a seven-page complaint about DLC II Tamoush; ain't nuthin' happened to her! DLC II Vicki Tamoush intentionally delays Spanish wage claimants so her teacher/translator/pal Mindy receives the sweet $$$$ financial gain for her translating services, and nuthin' happens to Tamoush! Broadwater's concern for the public is falling upon deaf ears, as Jorge Gomez has proven to nurture and care for Vicki Tamoush at all costs. The state fired Watson for similar hearing officer shenanigans, but Tamoush gets a free pass from Senior DeputyJosephine Jorge Gomez, Regional Manager Abby Calva, Deputy Chief Denise Padres, and Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet.
Ain't nuthin' gonna happen to Tamoush: attorney Afgani complains about Tamoush, they give Afgani to DLC II Jackson or DLC II Valdez. Boeing writes a seven-page complaint about DLC II Tamoush; ain't nuthin' happened to her! DLC II Vicki Tamoush intentionally delays Spanish wage claimants so her teacher/translator/pal Mindy receives the sweet $$$$ financial gain for her translating services, and nuthin' happens to Tamoush! Broadwater's concern for the public is falling upon deaf ears, as Jorge Gomez has proven to nurture and care for Vicki Tamoush at all costs. The state fired Watson for similar hearing officer shenanigans, but Tamoush gets a free pass from Senior Deputy
Labels: Bradstreet, Calva, Denise Padres, Gomez, Spanish Translators, Tamoush, Taxpayers
The DLSE is screwed up and can not enforce labor laws One reason is the DLSE staff CAN NOT do their jobs effectively since they don't have access to a reliable computerized database. The new CMS has cost taxpayers millions, and it doesn't worth a dime. I hear the DLSE and the IT management are pouring more money to try to fix this non functioning CMS.
What a waste of taxpayers money.
There is no action being taken by DIR on Vicki Tamoush because DIR needs help and silence from the ACLU when DIR exploits the rights of its workers. Is it not what DIR is doing? Is that not why this blog is here?
I and my colleague have no confidence in the exam process here at DIR. Only gays are being hired and promoted here. What are we to do?
The blogger is not responsible for postings made by other parties. I'm sure that he/she has better things to do than moderate comments, especially since DIRt will be appealing the blogger's victory to the International Court of The Hague.
I know the blogger is not 'responsible' for the comments, but he has been quicker in the past to remove questionable material.
It is my opinion that one poster has a grudge against Culbeax and Vanessa. Okay, let's expose their incompetance and arrogance, but do we have to drag the whole blog into the gutter with the same sordid sex story repeated over and over again.
Wrong about me, but you are obviously the IT person with the aforementioned grudge.
I am a DLSE drone, one who wants to see the current DLSE hierarcy crumble as much as the blogger, one who will dance a jig when Miles returns, but I can't help but winch, at Angela being called a fat pig by the blogger, or you calling Vanessa a whore.
I am a prude that way.
I think we can all do better.Yes we can.
Until DIRt executives pull their collective heads out of their asses, there are no pulled punches, as they don't deserve it. Angela wants to act like an *sshole on a conference call and dress down subordinates publicly, then her fat ass deserves her own dressing down. She's being treated the way she acts, and it's up to her to change. To summarize my fifth grader, "she started it."
Message to the illiterate individual who writes this wretched blog:
Mr. Lotts,
I am not Dean Fryer. Your constant posting to yourself is laughably weak. If you honestly want traction for your opinions, the use of graphically violent and perverse innuendo should stop.
Honestly, you are becoming the laughing stock of governmental bureaucracy with your sub-standard performance in DLSE, your continuing perpetration of inappropriate comments about your co-workers, and your continuing lack of compliance with existing orders from Angela, John, and others.
You may think that you are receiving adequate legal advice, but you appear to be convinced that your future should rely upon the opinion of a liberal, low-level, elected politician from Garden Grove.
Perhaps, instead of publishing libel and slander, you should consider the ramifications of perjury under California law.
You appear not to care that the governor, the DIR, and DLSE have been harmed by your behavior, your false statements, and your reallocation of governmental resources per your own whim.
Exactly which code of administrative conduct permits you to call your co-workers names, allege perverse sexual escapes, and then complain that you are being treated unfairly?
It is the role of any state administration to bring discipline to the administrative process.
Your conduct deserves review.
Just review your own blog. The character attacks, defamation of character, and administrative abuses are clear.
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It's a shame that the DLSE is messing up like this. TMS consultants, a supply chain and systems integration firm, has recently moved into the engineered labor standards market. They will begin offering systems to prevent problems such as the ones the DLSE are currently experiencing.
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