This time, the complaint's been made by Boeing against Vicki Tamoush. Nothing will be done because: a) snitches are protected by the likes of Regional Manager Abigael Calva, and b) suck-ups are protected by the likes of Abigael Calva. What confuses me is that Vicki Tamoush generates more complaints & heartburn for this agency, in comparison to the dirt she dishes the the desk donkies. When she does her counter duty, she purposely sits her fat ass behind a partition, hiding herself from the public, so the public (at the counter) wait longer until her fat ass leaves her chair and acknowledges them.
If Regional Dumbshit Abigael Calva has a problem with my description of "fat ass," then she can commence to using a very long tape measure and a Body Mass index for factual accuracy. For the DLSE, "taking care" of the public is nothing more than a handjob without the happy ending. Actions speak louder than words, and if they refuse to take action against Vicki Tamoush, then they are not serious about providing good, positive customer service to our public. I can bet that the female Labor Commissioner will not send down Bob Brock and Eric Rood to Santa Ana to interrogate the female Vicki Tamoush...that special treatment is saved for DLSE males.
Labels: Bradstreet, Corrales, Tamoush
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