Saturday, December 22, 2007

Leave it to the IRS to do the Labor Commissioner's job: independent contractors are really employees

In the Wall Street Journal (12/22/07), there's an article that the IRS is declaring FedEx workers as employees (much to the chagrin of FedEx), which blows a setback to FedEx. FedEx is a really big corporation; one corporation that Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreeet wouldn't bother investigating. Hell's bells, Angela Bradstreet's turning a blind eye to Brinker Restaurant's labor law violations, which is why those defendants are being sued privately (certainly not by those who enforce labor laws).
Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet is a shill for Labor Workforce Development Agency Secretary Vicky Bradshaw, and Vicky Bradshaw is a shill for the Governor. Angela's policies are Vicky's policies, which are really the Governator's policies, and they are certainly not the People's policies...the People's Governor-my ass.
Don't expect Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet to pull her head out of her ass and initiate some investigation into FedEx; she's too busy trying to save Brinker Restaurant...thank goodness that the judge told her (more or less) to go pound sand. Here's one of her begging letters (click pic to enlarge).

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