Tuesday, August 01, 2006

While we waste the State Personnel Board's time with that DLSE attorney termination, let's also disregard directives from the CA Superior Court

When a court order says ten pages is the max, it does not mean twenty-five pages; it means ten pages. Failure to comply with the simplest of directives implies that a more complex directive might become greatly confusing, thus conducive to noncompliance.
Unless specifically stated, a court order does not dissolve on its own, especially when the court order says, "...pending further order from the court..."
These DLSE courtroom antics merely demonstrate their failure to comprehend issues and resolve problems. Now I understand why Anthony Mischel whispers into Richard Munoz's ear. Maybe Munoz needs better hand-holding, or maybe Anthony Mischel will slither out from the shadows and step up to take charge of this DLSE quagmire. Mischel has a bit of breathing room, pending the DLSE attorney termination appeal (more on that later).
The DLSE recently incinuated that they intend to bypass the courtroom directive and interrogate the Blogger after August 3rd. The Blogger's attorney sent Munoz a letter explaining the consequences of failing to abide by such a courtroom directive. If Munoz and Mischel think that there actions are above a court order, then the Blogger will soon receive a Personal & Confidential letter by Lupe Almaraz. They now have two options: obey the court directive or not. It reminds me of an old saying, "When walking on eggs, don't hop."


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