I wonder if Greg Rupp, Anthony Mischel, Richard Munoz, and Lupe Almaraz share the same brain?

An unofficial blog highlighting inefficient, incompetent service that taxpayers receive as a result of DLSE mismanagement. The opinions here are mine and should not be read by anyone. DIR lawyers Christopher Frick, Angela Bradstreet, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Steve McGinty and Richard Munoz spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dedicated to taking a crap on the 1st Amendment instead of doing DIR-related work for the taxpayers.
Why did you put a picture of Mary Tokar's telephone on the blog? This poor woman has been playing jacks with marbles for most of her life. The truth is she thinks she is a lumber jack and is growing her own forest. And you should understand that she can't get through the forest to answer the phone. So please take the picture of her phone off of the blog.
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