Thursday, August 17, 2006

Another DLSE Fraud, Waste, and Abuse issue? What a shocker.

Why does Assistant Chief Labor Commissioner Greg Rupp collect peace officer pay and peace officer retirement? Why does the DLSE have seven peace officers, yet there are little or no criminal convictions and/or arrests stemming from peace officers conducting criminal investigations? Why does Lauro Cons collect peace officer pay and peace officer retirement while working for the DLSE’s Labor Compliance, i.e., Public Works? Public Works can barely bust out an administrative debarment, much less a criminal investigation, so why is the supervising desk plant wearing a gun? Big picture here: this is a HUGE waste of taxpayer money. These wanna-be cops (even) make arrests? Do they conduct DLSE criminal investigations that lead to criminal prosecutions? They carry guns and handcuffs & earn a retirement package of 3% of pay for every year of service and can retire at 50 years of age? WTF? Normal state retirements are 2% of pay every year of service of service and can retire at 55 years of age.
Do you think Deputy Chief/Assistant Labor Commissioner Lupe Almaraz is holding Assistant Chief Greg Rupp accountable for his peace officer productivity, demanding to know why supervisor Lauro Cons needs a gun to work a desk job? Do you think Lupe Almaraz really gives a rat’s ass about wasting taxpayer dollars on paying DLSE peace officers good money & retirement who don’t make arrests, which don't conduct criminal investigations that don't lead to criminal convictions? Why does the DLSE have three supervisor cops, three cops, and one cop manager? The DLSE has one supervisory peace officer for every regular DLSE peace officer…isn’t that a little top-heavy? Isn’t that a little wasteful, given the lack of criminal investigatory progress by these seven peace officers? The DLSE has Deputy Labor Commissioners (DLCs), Industrial Relations Representatives (IRRs), and Management Service Technicians (MSTs) who are doing the same job and not receiving the same benefit. Hell’s bells, the DLSE could give Public Safety pay (2.5% of pay percent for every year of service) to DLCs, IRRs, and MSTs because their job is law enforcement. Unfortunately, the ones that really do the work get screwed; no big surprise at Labor Standards.
If you’re really interested in what the DLSE peace officers do, the submit a Public Records Act (PRA) request to DLSE Headquarters and request the following:
1) For the last four (or two) years, Daily Activity Reports (DARs) for DLSE peace officers Greg Rupp, Pete Tuminia, Lauro Cons, David Dorame, Lee Pearson, Frank Capetillo, and Gary Stoffels.
2) For the last four (or two) years, Number of case files assigned to DLSE peace officers Greg Rupp, Pete Tuminia, Lauro Cons, David Dorame, Lee Pearson, Frank Capetillo, and Gary Stoffels.
3) For the last four (or two) years, Criminal convictions stemming from DLSE investigations conducted by DLSE peace officers Greg Rupp, Pete Tuminia, Lauro Cons, David Dorame, Lee Pearson, Frank Capetillo, and Gary Stoffels.
4) The personnel & training records of DLSE peace officers Greg Rupp, Pete Tuminia, Lauro Cons, David Dorame, Lee Pearson, Frank Capetillo, and Gary Stoffels.
Since Lupe is a regular reader of this blog, he is free to hit the "comment" button, identify himself, and post any verifiable, peace officer efficiency statistics. Fish do stink from the head, don't they?


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