Sunday, May 07, 2006

Q. What do 2 DLSE supervisors say when they retire from the Los Angeles office?

Word on the street is that Regional Manager Abigael Calva knew about DLC III Reynaldo Rivera's retirement date for over a month. He left two days ago with no formal replacement in play; great job on Abigael Calva's foresight! Do you think, at the very least, she had anyone brought up-to-speed on the busiest Wage Claim office in California? Heck no! In the classic knee-jerk reaction of state worker/civil servant competence & efficiency,she's gonna have Victor Jurado make a mess of it for a while....whoops, I meant 'take care of things,' then revolving-door the rotation for other supervisors. Instead of kicking Diana Chen up to LosAngeles (she's barely supervising 3 employees and a clerk), they're going to keep her in Santa Ana where her priorities consist of cleaning the office. That duty consists of delegating the movement of one pile of boxes to 15 feet across the floor (in the state, you need a supervisor for that kind of labor). Good thing they are paying her over $5,000/month for such productivity.

Los Angeles supervisor DLC III King Cheung also put in his papers; I guess he's had enough of the DLSE roller coaster. Why deal with an endless amount of bullsh*t when you can retire and say "screw this." He finally figured out that the tease of making him a DLC IV (Regional Manager) was akin to a massage without the happy ending. Besides, who wouldn't find pleasure in telling Regional Manager Susan Nakagama where she can put her genius directives, mandates, emails, and memos?

Rumor also has DLC III Robert Sweet retiring from the San Bernadino office. After the Gardena high school grad did a wink-wink, nudge-hudge to have her pals Julie Tarazon and Gretchen Torregano both promoted by Art Lujan to DLC IIIs, poor ol' Bob Sweet filed a grievance/complaint about the promotion process, where they discovered the errors of their ways and finally promoted him. Too bad he had to waste the state's time and resources in voicing what everyone already knew about the examination/selection process. This is what sucks for the People of California; good guys like Robert Sweet, Reynaldo Rivera, Linda Fox, and Roy Coleman retire while Abigael Calva, Nance Steffen, Greg Rupp, and Susan Nakagama remain. Why can't the state keep in their employ Robert, Reynaldo, Linda, and Roy and have Abby, Nance, Greg and Susan retire?


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