From anonymous comment:
"ATTN: Blogger: Garau had no less than 4 cases against DOSH/DIRt, and she was rejected by asking her inept secty(s) to pull some files for her. Yes, she's a real bonafide LAWYER who didn't play along with the boys/aka STEVE (albino-ugly) McGINTY/aka (fat-assed) TONY MISCHELLE, and she IS real female in power...unlike the fake-n-phoney disgusting-to-female-race white-trash vEnessa IMA WHOREton who had to blow the entire DIRECTOR's staff, starting with the former/current director(s) to date."
Wow. So there exists in DIRt a female that didn't blow her way to the top, then they tried to get rid of her, then they failed, and then they think that their case against the Blogger will prevail? These morons in public service should spend less time attempting to succeed in their failing self-serving vindictiveness and more time serving the public.What these morons don't understand is that they need just a few competent staff members to keep their hollow statistics the event that some agency or taxpayer starts filing Public Records Act requests. Vanessa Whore-ton doesn't "get it" because she's dumb and used another method to advance her career....gulp!
Here are just a few cases for your reference...===============
Case Number: BC388541; OLGA H GARAU VS DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OF THE ST ; Filing Date: 04/04/2008; Case Type: Wrongful Termination (General Jurisdiction); Status: Pending
Case Number: BC398006; DONALD RENETSKY VS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ET AL; Filing Date: 09/11/2008; Case Type: Civil Rights (General Jurisdiction); Status: Pending
I'm shocked that DIRt screws the pooch in everything they do, but that's what happens when liars, cheats, thieves and whores are left to run the store.
Why should DIRt settle a losing case at the cost of $200,000 to the taxpayers when they can go all the way to the end of the trial and make the taxpayers pays $750,000 since it's not their money and they're not held accountable for their actions.
This is what u say, GARBAGE-IN/GARBAGE-OUT, aka vEnessa IMA WHOREton's FECES 10 (incompetent pension-in-waiting lackies) in getting rid of ALL competent people, aka running State service to the ground @ taxpayers' expenses. When u slept-n-hired A GARBAGE-STINKIN' SKANKY WHORE, vEnessa IMA WHOREton, what else can she do other than protecting her own unsavory ass every day by making doubly sure that NO ONE'S LOOKING TOO CLOSELY @ HER UNPROFESSIONAL MICROMANAGING INEPTITUDE, eh?
go, blogger! skanks-n-feces-10-at-work won't be able to STOP this blog or your (good) efforts! steamroll ahead & watch bodyparts lolligag-n-roll! get paid & reinstated so that WHOREton SKANK can upchuck some more since she's already lost some @ Garau's imminent reinstatement, haha! MAY YOU HAVE THE LAST LAUGH.
why do these hi-powered men (L. AUBRY/J. DUNCAN/D. ROWAN) CHEAT DOWN w/ an old hag like vEnessa IMA WHOREton? (guess, any plain Jane-blow-in-the-dark will do!) Cuz she's the cheapest whore around, who's been desperately seekin that top spot, by becoming THE SLUT OF DIRt at ANY cost possible, that's why!
of course not, like whatever "talent pool" could that possibly be, other than your garden variety of thieves/liars/whores/pricks/skirt-chasers/ass-kissers/feces-10 henchmen, like doh!
DLSE has talented people but management ignores them and the talented people have the wisdom to know it's not going to change.
why is that? cuz DIRty management, consisting of chief cLOWNsel, vEnessa IMA WHORETON, & her feces-10 henchmen, i.e. since this disgraceful chief cLOWNsel had to sleep her way to the title, as she micromanages her henchmen to do her little dirty work for her so that she may be able to sleep at nite, while she laps it up with ALL her ass-kissers toeing the pension-pushers line. Either blogger/Garau/Renetsky makes a MAJOR MOCKERY out of winning ALL their civil right cases and/or go on some talk show (new concept!) & expose these hapless DIRty tricks of her chief cLOWNsel's milking-the-system-at-taxpayers'-expenses, THESE THIEVING MORONS WILL JUST HAVE TO DO EACH OTHER IN AT THE END SINCE PARANOIA WILL EVENTUALLY DESTROY THEM ALTOGETHER FOR THEY BADMOUTH-BACKSTABBIN EACH OTHER (TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST EACH OTHER!) AT EVERY SINGLE TURN!
what gives this bitch-from-white-trash-hell, chief cLOWNsel, aka vEnessa IMA WHORETON, the right to wreck so many taxpayers' lives the way she does, esp. at our own expense, huh? why is there NOT a league of social etiquette/justice out there against the evil-n-unethical doings of such skanky clown-n-her Feces-10 in state service, huh? this is why we go off on blog like this, doh! GO, BLOGGER!
STOP THE STUPIDITY: chief CLOWNsel, vEnessa IMA WHOREton, uses DIRt's office cellphone as her 24/7-personal cellphone [415-845-7769], and she uses her FSL/SL excuses (working from home) constantly in keeping ALL her timeoff--ALL @ TAXPAYERS' EXPENSES--as well as having ALL HER FECES-10 CRONIES do the same! SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE AN ETHICS COMMITTEE SET-UP FOR THESEC DIRty STATE HI-PAID PERSONNEL WHOSE CONTINUAL PERSONAL SPENDING HABITS ARE OFTEN OVERLOOKED & IGNORED FROM WITHIN.
Is this the same Donald Renetzky with a case against the state?
Workers' comp judges more likely to make claims
John Hill and Dorothy Korber of The Sacramento Bee used state and local records to find an unusual pattern: "California's 150 workers' compensation judges are six times more likely to file on-the-job injury cases than their judicial counterparts in state government." While some of the claims are relatively minor, others are not. "On the monumental side, Judge Donald Renetzky has a case file a foot thick. Although he still serves as a workers' comp judge in Van Nuys, Renetzky has fought for three years to be determined 100 percent disabled with on-the-job injuries. He would get $490 a week for life for neurological disabilities to his feet and hands that his doctors say are related to his diabetes, but were triggered by his duties as a judge."
Nice- a workers comp judge filing tons of workers comp claims!!
I guess a judge is a high-risk job!
What's his current civil rights case about?
Anyone have e-mail from Jim Culbeaux about Vanesa Holton Office Sex. I want to mastrubate tonite.
MADAM vEnessa IMA WHOREton, at your service, dial-in 976-DIRt for more DIRty info.
Vanessa Holton will screw just about anyone if it gets a promotion. I heard Vanessa's advances and application were rejected by the Governor. Too bad for ugly Vanessa, Arnold's groped way better hookers than her.
I just had a conference today for waiting time penalties; except we didn't even make it to conference. They want an attorney to review the CBA to see if LC 203 is preempted by federal labor law. How come the DLSE still doesn't realize that LC 203 penalties are not preempted by LMRA 301? 15 years after Livadas v. Bradshaw and the division still can't get it right without first going through the bureaucratic process of forwarding a copy of the CBA to have an attorney review it. It already takes 4 months to go to conference. Isn't there a simple way to prevent this?? Perhaps a well placed bullet on the governator?
try NOT having ANY FILING SYSTEM/ORGANIZATION at all for a legal environment, okay? talk 'bout being DYSFUNCTIONALLY DISORGANIZED to the point where manhours are continually wasted daily on needless filing lookups left and right, and then what?? our DIRt-CHIEF CLOWNsel-illegal beaver is so busy at fellatio-screwings-around that'd make it easier for Garau/blogger to LAUGH their ways to the bank and back!
Venessa Holton Office Sex with DIRt Director Aubry to become Chief Counsel. GREAT, Women at DIRt take note!!!
vEnessa IMA WHORETON office sex services. No qualification or experience required.
Fact check for anonymous at 4:59 p.m.:
The blogger no longer works for the DIR, but when he did, he was actually one of the better performing employees.
He even received a commendation from the LA City Council!
And don't forget, he honorably served the United States in the Marine Corps, the CA National Guard, and the DOJ before entering state service.
Chief CLOWNsel, vEnessa IMA WHORETON, is in charge of DIRt vs. GARAU/Blogger, like need we say more? GARAU already won her battle, so why NOT the blogger, eh? Idiots-in-charge = Idiot-lose-big-in-civil-rights-court, y'all!
Let me set a few things straight:
1) The blogger was NOT fired (or even close to being fired) from his federal position. He resigned to take a job with the state, a job that required a background investigation. Obviously, he passed.
2) The person accused of fellatio is not a private figure, rather a high ranking State official. The higher up you are in state service, the more public a person you become, especially when you are associated with the agency that employs you (i.e. through legal decisions, press releases etc.) This person most certainly is considered a public person, in regards to the DIR/DLSE.
3) Conversely, a lower level employee is considered more of a private person, because the general public does not associate you with the employing agency. While employed at DIR, the blogger was not a high ranking employee and certainly not associated with DIR by the general public.
These definitions of public vs. private person are from the state's basic supervision course.
4) This blog was published anonymously, and its existence does not make the blogger a public
person. His identity was not known until the DIR 'outed' him, violating his civil rights. He filed suit against DIR and prevailed.
It is clear that you are trying to slam the blogger, but at least have your facts straight. You obviously have little knowledge about the DIR/DLSE and its management, and how state agencies function.
DIR/DLSE is probably one of the worst run state agencies. The joke (made by a long standing DLSE supervisor) was the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement has no labor standards of its own. Pretty sad commentary by its management that the agency tasked to enforce labor law couldn't follow the law.
That's why this blog was started. This agency actually generates revenue, but upper management's mismanagement ultimately wastes money and at the end of the day, negatively impacts the public that relies on its services.
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