Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DIRt management keeps pissing off the taxpayers...this only proves that my serving the public and not DLSE ass-clowns was right & true: I will win

This was a comment posted earlier, so I thought I would cut & paste it and let the general public read it. If DIRt/DLSE cannot comply with the simplest of tasks, then those morons should be terminated and replaced immediately. 'Tards like Jorge Gomez, Angela Badstreet, Abby Calva, Vanessa Holton, and Vick "the dick" Bradshaw have not only proven themselves to be unfit for public service but also have proven themselves to be self-serving bureaucrats that only enrich themselves and their careers.
In short this is my admitted “venting” to DLSE/DIR hypocrisy, where they have proven time and time again that they have no respect for any rational argument - in this case in regard to fundamental due process and the California Public Records Act. It is addressed to DIR Chief Deputy Director David Rowan. For a complete copy of my fax to this degenerate public clown, please email me at
“In regard to my PRA requests and your conclusions that somehow the hearing recording gaps have been explained; how can we explain this 27 minute first afternoon hearing record gap? DLSE Padres’ reasoning about this stated that the disc recordings ran out of time with the disc’s limitations and HO Murphy failed to change to a new disc in time, correct? How can Padres and you explain that the first morning recording is 80 minutes long and the first afternoon recording stops abruptly at 53 minutes? The 27 minute gap must also be the time lapse between your active brain cells if you accept such an unfounded conclusion as you tacitly have by not addressing its absurdity. In fact you stated that it was “plausible explanations for the discrepancies in the hearing recordings”, which I interpret as your big fat lie. What could have been the motivation by Padres’ wonderfully short-sighted theory? She wouldn’t just make this leaky theory up and you accept it because you both want to kiss the status quo’s big kahuna butt? We must all admit that self-preservation is the law of the jungle and must be the prime motivator of all the denizens on the DLSE and DIR turf equally as I’ve observed in scaling its hierarchy. I guess this is the closest you’ll ever come to a democratic entity, acting in unison as a herd species in blind, stupid agreement. And in regard to these DLSE and DIR purposeful nonactions that are perniciously designed not to enforce the labor laws or observe due process while steadfastly refusing to weigh any evidence to the contrary, I’m reminded of the powerful metaphor in Orwell’s Animal Farm: “Four legs good, two legs bad”, where the pigs eventually act like their masters. Which in your case translates to the engine that was intended to protect laborers, now exploits them. This hypocrisy begets the worst kind of cronyism where everyone’s motive is fear of exposing this cynicism and a compulsion to watch out for everyone else’s butt at the expense of what was suppose to be a functioning, humane institution. If you don’t believe me take a look at the “DLSE/Dir(t)” graffiti that your own employees have desperately resorted to at
In summary, I can understand the evolutionary process behind say a dung beetle on dung patrol. At least his efforts might benefit the dung beetle colony. While at the DIR/DLSE the shit only mucks up the works for those honest, hard-working Californians like me who have sought justice at these state agencies. I, like many others, have been ripped off by abysmally corrupt imposters like you who pretend to uphold the labor laws and maintain due process. The DLSE and DIR have proved themselves a disgrace and should be confined to the histories of the Third Reich, witch burnings and other abhorrent anachronisms that have obstructed the path of human progress.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the cd's hold 80 minutes. The recorders do malfunction and some of the blank discs are flawed. Usually the record error screen doesn't appear to alert the user until well after the fact.

11/14/2009 7:34 AM  
Anonymous said...

As the author of that quote, I know for a fact that even within the edited version of these recordings there were parts left out. For instance, during the testimony of the vice president, it starts at the beginning but there are critical parts of his testimony that were deleted. For instance he testified that his accountants worked in mysterious ways and all my filing fees, copy and fax fees, tolls, parking fees etc. reimbursements have magically been reimbursed me, but not on my paychecks! And he admitted he had no records to prove any of it! That whole section is missing. None of that testimony is in the recording though his testimony up to the end of my cross-examination is completed all within the same recording section. Believe it or not, there is a part where I remember appealing to the hearing officer that he answers my questions, I remember she said he was answering them, but in the recording she admonished him to answer the questions with an over voiced insertion. And I fortified my allegations with evidence where in the Hearing Officer’s decision she stated that I wasn’t paid for my vehicle use on this job because I didn’t submit gas receipts, while this company said they had paid me and submitted into evidence this baseless tally sheet without a single record to prove they ever paid me for the use of my vehicle. The hearing office reinvented their testimony and I pointed out that the VP said specifically in his testimony, even in this edited version that these fictitious payments were not paid through these gas receipts, which I had submitted to prove my case. I simply asked to the DIR to go down there and see for themselves if these recordings were the originals and they refused. Instead they gave me mindless bromides of stupid assurances that the hearing officer wouldn’t do that. The DIR/DLSE could care less if the hearing officer ran kangaroo courts, reinvented the defendant’s evidence or edited the recordings that were submitted, by the way, to a review to see if this hearing officer committed misconduct.

11/16/2009 12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds crazy.

11/16/2009 6:20 AM  
Anonymous said...

Crazy or not, I would argue that it is only crazy because there is no explanation for DLSE/DIR’s complete lack of accountability. Ask me any question about this abortion of justice and I will try to the best of my knowledge to inform you factually. That is my challenge here.

11/16/2009 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanessa Holton get Chief Counsel position at DIRt by having sex with Lloyd Aubry former DIRt Director. Someone please post email Mr. Culbeaux pass around.

11/18/2009 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bradshaw given the boot:-

11/18/2009 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blogger actually believes that he has many friends and supporters at DLSE. Be real- there are probably no more than 2 people on his side. Everyone else is glad that he was fired and they don't have to put up with his bs every day.

11/21/2009 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last two posts from Dean Fryer make Dean look like he's doing his job to the retards at DIRt. To pay a Deputy Director almost $150,000 to monitor this blog is an insult to those of us taking pay-cuts and the taxpayers.

11/21/2009 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one of the blogger's 2 supporters posted at 9:54 on 11/21? Or was it the blogger himself?

11/22/2009 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DIRt fired blogger cuz they didn't like him, not cuz blogger failed to do the job. That's illegal and there will come a day when blogger come back.

Fat-ass blonde Dick Bradshaw back to werk at LWDA. Looks like she'll be back with Angela Bradstreet and Vanessa Holton in world's most ugliest threesome.

11/23/2009 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DIRty mgmt/DLSE-suckee b.s. disliked blogger 'cuz he can do his job and they simply can't? Wonder why! Like, do they need to sleep around to the top spot when they cannot do the job right? Like, do they need decent people, like blogger himself to kiss their stinkin' dikey arses to keep his job? NO WONDER STATE SERVICES PERSONNEL GET SUCH BAD RAPS, EH? NO WONDER THEY GET TO KEEP THEIR ASININE JOBS BY ASS-KISSING (OR WHATEVER ELSE!) TO GET TO THE TOP SO THAT THEY CAN MAINTAIN THIS ASININE TREND OF ASS-KISSING TILL THE COW COMES HOME? Wow, what a mindblowing corrupt hostile work environment state services have become...CALPERS PENSION PLAN = PLENTY OF ASS-KISSING & SKIRTS-CHASING & SLEEPING-YOUR-WAY-TO-TOP-SPOT?

11/23/2009 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Screw DIRt said...

DIRt is just plain filth.

11/23/2009 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DIRty/DLSE-suckee management made from filth/dishes out filth/only wants filth in, blogger take a bow [AT LEAST U GOT SOME PRIDE!!!] for at least, by their rejection of u, u're at least 1 decent human being NO LONGER in the midst of such STINKIN' DIRty FILTHINESS OF INHUMANE SUBHUMAN BEHAVIOR like the rest of those equally indifferent no-boat-rockin', ass-kissin', lookin'-the-other-way, pension-driven robots/automatons enslaving themselves away BY EATING UP WHATEVER DIRT from these DIRty/DLSE ass-clowns! (How prideless/mindless SLAVERY is all that worth in 1 useless lifetime?)

11/24/2009 3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All in DIRt management got their jobs by getting laid. Not one decent one period.

11/24/2009 11:46 PM  

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