This is how arrogant, dim-witted, and short-sighted DLSE supervisor Jorge "Whore-hay' Gomez is as well as why Gomez has no friends in the Santa Ana office. Hearing Officer Jackson needs a big office so he can accomodate Plaintiffs, Defendants, and their representatives in the wage claim formal hearings. DLSE Assistant Chief Nance Steffen understood this, which is why Gomez had a smaller office. As a professional and personal "fcuk you" to Nance Steffen, Gomez moved Jackson once Steffen was no longer part of Gomez's chain of command.
As an office reference, Regional Manager Abigael Calva has the smallest office in Los Angeles, and she is Gomez's boss.
Gomez doesn't need an office that big because he doesn't have clusters of people congregating there all at once, but his ego does need an office that big. It's one of the ways a very small person feels bigger. Gomez doesn't give a crap about the public because the DLSE Santa Ana office is all about Gomez and his arrogance. He will tell the public, "
my deputy will do this,
my deputy will do that," etc. These are not
his deputies; he doesn't pay
our salaries. His job is to direct
our work, and
we are not his employees.
RM Calva lets him get away with this because Calva doesn't give a sh*t; she's just here to collect a check until she retires...it seems that every DLSE manager over 50 is here just to sit on their ass and to collect a free check, nothing gets dones around this shithole to really help people, and it starts with letting *ssholes like Gomez take the biggest office in Santa Ana just because his ego wants it.
Labels: Calva, Gomez, Nance Steffen, Santa Ana, Wage Claims
Jim Culbeaux is a thief he has got millions under the table from the failed CMS project.
This post is not about the blogger, Dean. It's all about a 30-yr. career loser whose ego is so small that whore-hay needs the biggest office in Santa Ana.
The DLSE is nothing more than a management fertilizer factory where dumbshit after dumbshit after dumbshit sit and collect free money, just like Dean
Dean Fryer. All posts you make here will be deleted. I can almost see Jim Culbeaux bending over so you ramm him with your half-inch-dick. Suggest you use a telephone post on the skunk Jim Culbeaux.
Dean Fryer you should be rejoicing with the state Supreme Court ruling allowing same-sex nuptials and so will your better half Jim Culbeaux. Why don't you guys get a one-way ticket to your honeymoon or do you want us to pass the hat around?
You guys have tried everything possible to make CL get up and leave, and failed, Not suprising that you show frustration in your comment above.
Long live CL!!!
Up-yours Fryer and Culbeaux.
Hi guys, any idea how are our DLSE folks doing using that Jim Culbeeaux's CMS creation.
My agency had a Deputy get promoted based on supposed managerial experience in the private sector. The trouble is, he managed teenagers in a customer service capacity. Big difference in managing highs schoolers vs. seasoned government code enforcers. Most Deputies can wipe their own butts.
This new manager was promoted over others who both scored higher on the exams AND had actual temporary experience in the same position. The agency pays everyday for this promotion with poor morale and huge retention issues.
The CMS computer system is not being used by DLSE, it has failed. I haven't seen any new programs and we are still dependent on the crazy and mentally unstable programmer at the IS for our computer needs.
To DLSE staff, the CMS was a big joke that made millions for the private computer guys.
I strongly believe that the waste, corruptions, and the utter mismanagment at the DLSE and IT divisions of DIR should be reported to the authorities. Some of these people are liable for frauds and criminal prosecutions.
It is fraud and felony to intentionaly waste millions of taxpayers money on a non-working computer system with no accountability.
I don't think any reasonable and unbiased person can blame CL for the failure of the CMS and waste of millions in taxpayers money.
Please don't show your biased and ignorance here. The corrupt and incompetent people are DLSE and IT managers.
Keep up the good work CL!
Dean Fryer Go back to pumping Jim Culbeaux and stop posting your crap here. Just because you illegally obtained questions to the SSMI exam from Jim Culbeaux and left the other exam takers to waste their time and energy with the drill of yet another bogus exam given by DIRt and boost your retirement at taxpayers expense, you expect us not to be bitter.
Dean you will have your day just like Holton and we will be rejoicing. We can't wait!!!
Ok, the blogger here calls offensive names (some of these people may very well deserve these name callings), but he is not the cause of ten of millions of dollars of taxpayers money being wasted in fraudulent IT contracts, and poor management at DLSE.
At least these corrupt DIR IT and DLSE managers are getting exposed in this blog, and that is a good thing!
Anyone remember the letters Jim Culbeaux showed us about Lloyd Aubry and Vanessa Holton having sex in her office on her couch at DIRt.
The only qualiications or experience that Jim Culbeaux has is in bending over and getting shafted. I can bet Dean's working on Jim's rear at this very moment.
By now, you guys should know the saying:
Every Dog has his day.
Well, if you see their kids, Jim Culbeaux and Vanesa Holton, that is -- you would know. COMPLETE RETARDS!!!
To the last person who posted- what makes you think that Rosen is sucking up to the blogger? Last time I checked , he is his attorney who CHARGES by the hour for services rendered.
It seems that you are the retard!
Sup. King Rat was a Viet Cong.
Karen "Rambos" never did a stitch of work. Darlin' you're suppose to be race neutral when you work for a government organization. You are the the cholita mole at DLSE for gangsters in Boyle Heights. Blogger, please take note. This one is another DLC that is causing problems at DLSE.
Chris, the entire DLSE in the so. district needs a wash. And only way is via court monitored order with an appointment of a former US District Judge as Labor Commissioner. Need a hardnose guy that isn;t going to let himself be sweet talked into a quagmire status quo by viper women or the current set of supervisors who have been chosen by upper management for their chameleon like ability to fool prior commissioners. Don't settle, just put them all on the wit stand and let it rip. Thanks kid.
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