What it costs to stop Lupe Almaraz, as a government agent, to stop demanding identities of confidential sources & prevent access to my private diaries

June, 2006: $3,400.00
July, 2006: $5,778.00
August, 2006: $4,050.00
September, 2006: $ 675.00
October, 2006: $ 500.00
November, 2006: $2,350.00
January, 2007: $ 620.00
February, 2007: $1,950.00
March, 2007: $1,125.00
April, 2007: $4,454.81
May, 2007: $9,549.57
June, 2007:$????????
July, 2007:$????????
October, 2006: $ 500.00
November, 2006: $2,350.00
January, 2007: $ 620.00
February, 2007: $1,950.00
March, 2007: $1,125.00
April, 2007: $4,454.81
May, 2007: $9,549.57
June, 2007:$????????
July, 2007:$????????
Labels: 1st, Big Brother, constitution, First amendment, free speech, government intrusion, surveillance
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//This has been the pattern developed many years ago by DLSE. Any dissension amongst the troops is dealt with through tax payer money. Management figures that they can always outspend any challenge to the system and it has worked. Let's face it, they almost have an unlimited budget to out screw anyone. All they have to do is cut cost any other areas. An example of this is the security counter promised by the Labor Commissioner. That has been put on hold due to the cost involved in the blogger court case and the rising cost of the CMS Program. Bureaucrats will always be bureaucrats. Lets hope you win this one for the gipper and have them pay for all your court costs. Maybe the new Labor Commissioner will come to your aid. I understand that she is deeply involved in the civil rights of individuals.
I am confident that the court will order the State to pay your attorney's fees and court costs. But if for any reason, the court does not make such an order, I'd be interested in contributing to the Blogger's Defense Fund. I'll bet there are many others who would do the same. I hope it doesn't come to pass, but if necessary, let's remember who has been fighting for our First Amendment rights.
Wha a a a a a a a a a a a !
WOW! That's a lot of money! Where do I send my donation to this cause? Is my donation tax deductable?
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