Week # 2 ends with No-Senate-Confirmation-Needed Robert Jones failing to act on his threat to terminate blogger

An unofficial blog highlighting inefficient, incompetent service that taxpayers receive as a result of DLSE mismanagement. The opinions here are mine and should not be read by anyone. DIR lawyers Christopher Frick, Angela Bradstreet, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Steve McGinty and Richard Munoz spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dedicated to taking a crap on the 1st Amendment instead of doing DIR-related work for the taxpayers.
It does not take a brain surgeon to know when they will finally install safety glass in the Santa Ana Office. You guessed it, when someone gets hurt or killed. When someone was attacked over the counter in LA, safety glass was installed immediately. You would think Bush was running this department. What a bunch of hard headed bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must thank you for putting up this blog. We feel that with your blog we at DLSE can have some chance to communicate about the injustice at DLSE. Thank you again for you good work.
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