Wednesday, November 09, 2005

All of the Governator's propositions FAILED.
I wonder if the puppet-heads at the Dept. of Retaliation learned anything from yesterday's complete rejection of the propositions. The tip for today: do not threaten lawmakers with statewide votes to get around them. It seems to me that the Californians deserve better than a partisan governor trying to break it off in the backside of the unions and legislature.
With his tail between his legs, his close circle of Wilson Dropouts might want to clue themselves in what Californians really want: leadership that encourages cooperation, not behavior that discourages cooperation. The Governator wasted millions of dollars (estimated at $80,000,000) that could have been better spent. All in all, it looks to be a one-quarter of a billion dollar process: what a waste.
It just goes to show that his advisors seem to be incompetent, clueless, and completely out of touch with the majority of Californians. It also goes to show that they are completely in touch with rich corporations and big-money donors.


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