Thursday, September 22, 2005


State refuses to divulge information justifying their suspension state labor attorney

Why is it that Victoria Bradshaw's Labor Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) can't get out of their own way? Outside of Jose Millan's puff pieces [press releases] on his reformatted TIPP task force called the EEEC, the only time the LWDA makes news is when LWDA Undersecretary Rick Rice's damage control & spin doctoring keeps repeating the good ol' mantra, "We can't give you information because this is an internal personnel matter." Rick Rice has a new phrase for the reporters..."it needs to be handled through the state personnel system."

If they (the DLSE or LWDA) are so confident in their actions, then why did they pull their propaganda video soon after they made it? If they feel justified in how they handled state labor attorney Miles Locker's paid suspension, then why is it taking them months to investigate it (how long does it take the DLSE to investigate a lunch conversation?)? If Donna Dell had the giblets to tell Miles that other stuff he's done is under investigation, then why haven't they told him the specific issues/actions the DLSE is investigating? If they're so sure that their actions are legit, then why did the administration rescind their lawsuit-induced regulations (ending obigatory meal breaks and limiting employer liability from past violations) only 10 days after they made it? What made them abort it: common sense, or they knew they would lose?

This is the questions to end all questions: WHY CAN'T VICTORIA BRADSHAW AND JOSE MILLAN CLEAN UP THEIR OWN MESS, EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW THEIR ACTIONS ARE UNDER THE SCRUTINY OF THE MEDIA, THE COURTS, AND THE STATE ASSEMBLY? Who holds Victoria Bradshaw and Jose Millan accountable? Miles, if you're listening: please don't let them settle with you to the point where they demand a sealed agreement and admit no wrongdoing. Please make it just as hard for them as they make it for everyone else in this agency.


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