DLSE did it: Blogger's been terminated by Angela Bradstreet

Labels: Bradstreet
An unofficial blog highlighting inefficient, incompetent service that taxpayers receive as a result of DLSE mismanagement. The opinions here are mine and should not be read by anyone. DIR lawyers Christopher Frick, Angela Bradstreet, Anthony Mischel, Vanessa Holton, Steve McGinty and Richard Munoz spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars dedicated to taking a crap on the 1st Amendment instead of doing DIR-related work for the taxpayers.
Labels: Bradstreet
Dean Fryer get down on all fours as your master Rea is going to pound your rear.
I hope you are celebrating. Not because this is the beginning of more ligitation for you, but because a guy like you should work for an employer and in an environment you like. If a job makes you so angry that you to devote this much time to blogging about it, you are wasting far too much time and emotion. Move on!
Yes, the DLSE is screwed up. However, there aren't many (any?) government agencies out there that run great. But that is the inevitable consequence of an organization that is not incentivized to make a profit and has no competition to force it to become efficient and productive.
Show how smart you really are by starting your own enterprise.
Why can't the Santa Ana office keep any staff? The same week that CL departs another office assistant leaves.So many clerical staff have left that no one can remember their name.This is also the fifth deputy to leave SA in the past year. Where is Kelly Girl when you need them.
Like I said, more documents are coming. With SPB's bullshit expedited hearing process, I have about 3 years to upload the documents and post the taxpayer waste for public viewing.
This memo doesn't say anything about the facts(excuses) for this adverse action. DIR better have good reasons to mess with this blogger because he is exercising his first amendment right, and his civil service protection.
Keep up the Good Fight CL!!
So how is the SA office functioning? Has the staff's morale improved because they have a bigger workload now? Is the only person happy about CL's departure Jorge and that member of management that is holding CL's conferences?
You managment suck-ups (Dean Fryer maybe?) can hate on CL all you want. Your hate will not diminsh the fact that he has served this county (USMC, CA National Guard, US Border Patrol) in an honorable fashion, which is probably more than any of you haters have done.
Why would anyone defend inept managment- are you trying to score points?
DIR legal got that son-of-a-bitch homo Dean Fryer to get you framed CL. They retaliated against you for years. You should get millions for putting up with this BS.
Look on the bright side, now you can get a real job.
If the Blogger and his legal team can punch the DLSE in the mouth early with some good evidence, a quick settlement is likely. A bully sometimes crumbles under his own weight if knocked off balance. What would it take dollarwise for the Blogger to settle and unplug his muckraking laptop?
It doesn't matter what it will take because DIRt wants it their way; they promote suck-ass shitheads like Dean Fryer, Lupe Almaraz, Denise Padres, and Jim Coolblew because they live on their knees for their bosses.
The blogger's not responsible for CMS, not responsible for the meal & rest period clusterf*ck DIRt created, and he's not responsible for the substandard service that the public receives as a result of DIRt's promotional favoritism.
That shit, DIRt created. But like any douchebag coward, DIRt focuses on the messenger and never the message.
Please try to get hold of 2 employees at the Data Processing/IT Unit. Heard they were going to file discrimination/retaliation lawsuits. Round up others that want to file and think outside the box -- class action. Saves time and money.
Hey to the moron above. Lets not talk hate talk love. The one thing Vanesa Holton does well is spreads her legs.
Blogger don't give up keep fighting these morons at DLSE/OD Legal. Both of these organizations have never played by the rules. They promote who ever they want whether they qualify or not. I know for a fact that they also put people that they can manipulate to give the tests so that the person that they want in a certain position is capable of passing such tests. There's a lot of courrption in these two departments and unless there's a clearing house starting from top management down, everything will be the same. These managers are not there to protect the taxpayer, but rather to promote themselves and those that kisses their asses.
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