Sunday, June 19, 2005

DLSE has five (5) field enforcement positions: Labor Standards Investigator (LSI)-peace officer, Senior Special Investigator (SSI)-peace officer, Deputy Labor Commissioner I (DLC), Industrial Relations Representative (IRR), and Management Services Technician (MST). All of these positions are the same, but the paygrades and retirement benefits vary greatly. The peace officers work the same cases that the non-peace officers do, but they don't pay into Social Security and their retirement is 3% @ 50. That means they earn 3% of their salary for every year they work, and they can retire at 50. It's a really good retirement; it's too bad that the peace officers in Los Angeles don't have a majority of criminal cases. After all, what are the People of California paying the state to administer peace officer benefits to those that are not taking cases criminal to the prosecuting attorneys? Would you like proof? Request a Public Records Act (PRA) and mail it to: Thomas Grogan-Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, PO Box 420603; San Francisco, CA 94142. Specifically, you'll request the employees who are assigned to the Bureau of Field Enforcement (BOFE) and who are also current peace officers. Next, you'll request the amount of cases files assigned to them (both opened & closed for the last three years). Then you'll request the case files that were submitted for criminal prosecution and compare that list to the list of opened/closed cases. If you really want to compare, you can do the same PRA for all the other classifications and compare the peace officer handiwork to the non-peace officer handiwork. When the DLSE's peace officers have this bad habit of losing admistrative hearings, it's easy to imagine the really tough time they'd have when trying to meet a higher evidentiary burden (beyond a reasonable doubt) that goes with criminal case files. Do you think anything happens to them when these DLSE peace officers lose their administrative hearings? That's right! It's swept right under the rug. "Accountability" is not in DLSE's dictionary.


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