Monday, December 08, 2008

Will the DLSE bureaucrat who orgainzed the recent Los Angeles Wage Claim training please resign?

The people from Bakersfield and San Bernadino didn't know what they were talking about. The lawyer from San Diego should have cut off the one person who kept babbling about themself. Not enough microphones and the ones they had didn't work. Completely useless, and still no policy and procedures manual for DLSE staff assigned to Wage Claim Adjudication, which will be a sticking point with the SPB in 2009.
Blogger's termination settlement conference will be January 6th in Los Angeles. Here's out it will go down: SPB's job is to protect the DLSE, so I'll be either bullied or given some crappy settlement offer, and the entire time will be wasted. It will proceed to a hearing, and once the SPB gives me their fatal bullet, then it will proceed to Superior Court. No one gets a fair shake at SPB, as their only job is to cover the asses of DIRt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog boy, how are you doing?

12/14/2008 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have full confidence that you will win this fight on behalf of all of us.

12/15/2008 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Culbeaux has been John Rea's cabana boy for years. Jim has been bending over and sucking Rea's noodle all these years and its paid off. Now Jim's doing it all over again with Fryer and Dunckey.

12/16/2008 12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No one gets a fair shake at SPB, as their only job is to cover the asses of DIRt."

CL - You are correct as always and on everything you make public here. When the bogus fradulent exams at DIRt IT were reported to SPB, they didn't care to do anything - but hey, others around the country are going to jail for similar offenses, but at DIRt its a God damn group of criminals, gang and mafia. We think they will pay someone to hurt you CL, you be careful with these state government criminals. No joking matter here. If they can steal taxpayers money and divert funds for personal gain, they could use the same to make your killing look like an accident! DIRt harbors CRIMINALS ON THE LOOSE.

12/16/2008 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DIRt criminals don't follow court orders, so they are free to do whatever they want. They promote whoever they want, they fire whoever they want, and when called on the carpet, they ignore and continue to do what they want. This is their own private company when doing what they choose, then they hide behind the curtain of bureaucracy when it suits them, they have the perfect job. No oversight.

12/17/2008 5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Culbeaux the criminal will get a shoe up his a-se when the Attorney General finds out about the Ponzi schemes he's been running out of DIRt. They have the handcuffs ready.

I'd love to see Jim when they (FBI) hurl him out of the building in handcuffs and he calls out Christiiiiiiiiiine, help I did'nt do it. No skirt to hide under then!!!

12/18/2008 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody cares

12/19/2008 6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guv orders layoffs, furloughs: check this out
Is this a joke? Is Arnold trying to grab the spotlight from Bush getting shoes in the face?

And here at DIRt IT Unit and Legal Unit, they are hiring. Even after repeated failures of projects and capital losses by CIO Jim Culbeaux. Legal Unit is also hiring so they can continue to defend DIRt against retaliation, discrimination and fraud against CL and others.

12/19/2008 10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/22/2008 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hows your bike riding these days blog-0-boy....

you crying over gov. blogoboy's impeachment in Illinois?

The similarities between your mouth and Blagojevich are so "in-tune".

CL hope you are enjoying your retirement from DIR.... maybe they will send you an the IOU's that you would photocopy at DLSE in Santa Ana for all those illegal aliens that you would find for...
you and Gomez and Tamoush... don't hide behind your USMC credentials.

1/26/2009 9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For King "Rat"" Cheung and Susan "the-hag-viper" Nakagama wishing you both a righteous stay at Leavenworth. King Rat a 'Nam vet bubba for a cellmate. Nakagama an unflawed mirror to scare even yourself. Chris, go get 'em.

1/22/2010 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all got fooled by these illegal aliens. They show up at dlse with hat in hand and look like country bumpkins who just stepped off of a broken down rural public bus to ask for their righteous wages.

They look like refugees of a war zone. Ask any soldier who has spent time in rural villages where refugees and impoverished war vics are forced to exist.

Even I got fooled where I've seen the poor and beggars of another more devastating war of another time. So it's easy to see the good intentions Chris may have had.

I suspect if he decides to reclaim his dlc position he will be more prudent in future intended acts of sympathy and mercy.

1/22/2010 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

King, your retirement may resume in L, Kansas as a fallout of CL's ultimate vic. I suspect your wife will disso and take the good life from you like a good chinese wife should.

1/22/2010 10:27 PM  

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